Health News
Sitting in sauna may prevent cancer
03:27 PM MDT on Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Lucille Ball was onto something 60 years ago when she stepped into a sweat box to lose weight.
Little did Lucille Ball know she was onto something 60 years ago when she stepped into a sweat box to lose weight.
It turns out, sweating can be good for you, according to naturopath, Dr. Jason Allen.
"Sauna therapy increase blood flow to the peripheral circulation. In fact, sitting in a sauna for about 30 minutes is the cardiovascular equivalent to a 2-mile run," said Dr. Allen.
What's released through sauna sweat are toxicants and waste , pollutants stored in our fat tissue that may cause cancer.
"There are a number of case controlled studies and occupational studies where people who've been exposed to high levels of contaminants like PCBs, DDT, some pesticides, even mercury, that undergo sweat therapy - in addition to nutrient supplementation - have notable decrease in serum and adipose levels of pollutants," said Dr. Allen.
Sweat therapy is nothing new. Native Americans have been doing it for centuries in sweat lodges to purify the body and mind.
What is relatively new is the technology used to heat the body. Gone are the sweat boxes from a generation ago.
Modern day spas, like Eastside Oasis in Bellevue, use infrared heat, which some say is more efficient.
A sauna once a week is what Dr. Allen recommends to prevent cancer.
"We do things because we think they're going to prevent, and it's logical and there is sound scientific evidence that we can decrease the amount of known carcinogens in our body … and this is one mechanism to do that," he said.
So, if you can take the heat, sweat it out.
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