Pamper Yourself with 7 DIY Spa Day & Home Spa Treatments Header
  • 27 Oct, 2022
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Pamper Yourself with 7 DIY Spa Day & Home Spa Treatments

Going to the spa is a great way to decompress, but it’s not always the most feasible option when it comes to cost or time. So why not bring the spa into your home? A spa day at home is one of the best ways to treat yourself, and luckily, you can DIY a lot of great treatments to make it a fun experience. From face masks to deep conditioning your hair, read on to find DIY home spa treatments – along with tips on how to make your spa day extra luxurious with things like infrared sauna sessions and stress-relieving baths. Once you find how easy it is to make your own home sanctuary, you’ll be making time for DIY spa days all the time!


Woman Using Infrared Sauna During DIY Spa Day


Home Spa Treatments


Infrared Sauna

Using an infrared sauna during your spa day at home is an incredible way to pamper yourself. Infrared heat therapy penetrates deep into your skin to help ease muscle aches, increase circulation, and detoxify your skin. This is a great first activity in your spa day, as it helps put your body into relaxation mode for the rest of the day. The detoxification process also helps open the pores, making it easier for your skin to absorb any products you may apply during your spa day. Infrared sauna use also helps reduce stress and affects the autonomic nervous system to help put you in the rest and digest state for proper healing.

You can also incorporate aromatherapy, chromotherapy, halotherapy, and red light therapy to enhance your home spa day even further. If you enjoy yoga, do a restorative hot yoga session in your sauna to stretch and meditate.


Take a Bath or Shower

Both starting off and ending your spa day feeling clean and refreshed is the way to go. Rinse off with a quick shower first, then relax in either a hot shower or bath to get into relaxation mode with the help of a little thermotherapy. If showering, do an exfoliating body scrub and some aromatherapy with the shower steam to make a truly luxurious experience. In the bath, make it special with bubbles or a bath bomb, and light some candles during your soak. Remember to moisturize after a bath or shower to keep your skin healthy.


Indulge in Spa Treatments

You can’t have a spa day at home without some sort of spa treatment! This part can be as simple or complex as you would like, whether you make a DIY face mask or splurge on expensive home spa products. If you’re on the DIY track, there are plenty of treatments to choose from such as face masks, body scrubs, and hair masks that are made with healthy and natural ingredients that you might already have in your pantry or fridge. If going shopping for your spa products, items can range from $2 sheet masks to $400 serums.


Couple Using DIY Face Masks for DIY Home Spa Treatments


DIY Spa Recipes


DIY Hair & Face Masks

One really fun addition to a home spa day is creating your own DIY hair masks and face masks. There are many ingredients you can use, with some you probably already have in your kitchen! For example, mashed bananas can help deliver vitamin C and moisture to your skin and hair. Avocado also has moisturizing properties for both hair and skin. Add some egg whites to the mix for some elasticity benefits, and sweeten it up with some honey for even more moisture and some clarifying properties. Before largely applying any ingredients to your skin, test a small amount to ensure you don’t have any sensitivities, and wash the DIY mask off thoroughly after.


DIY Skin Exfoliator

Exfoliating your skin is an important step in keeping your skin looking healthy and radiant, and you can easily make your own at home. DIY body scrubs can be made with a number of ingredients found right in your pantry! Use your leftover coffee grounds to make a coffee and honey scrub that helps smooth and firm the skin. If you aren’t a coffee drinker, you can use sugar and mix it with a number of ingredients – rose petals to calm the skin, citrus to brighten the skin, turmeric to help with inflammation, and olive oil to nourish the skin. To avoid irritation, don’t scrub too hard, and exfoliate after heat exposure – not before.


Woman Doing DIY Epsom Salt Soak at Home


DIY Epsom Salt Soak

While the heat of a bath alone might be a nice, mild form of heat therapy, you can help kick it up with a DIY Epsom salt soak. Epsom salt breaks down into magnesium and sulfate when placed in water, giving your body the opportunity to absorb the minerals and help relieve tension. Use essential oils to add in an aromatherapy element. Eucalyptus and lavender are common spa scents, but you can mix it up with some of your favorite scents. Draw yourself a bath, dissolve 1-2 cups of Epsom salt in the warm water, and blend 5-20 drops of your favorite essential oils mixed with a carrier oil at the end for a relaxing home spa experience.


DIY Spa Water

Have you ever had the delicious water they serve at spas, usually infused with refreshing fruits and herbs? Not only is it a refreshing drink, but staying hydrated during a spa day is crucial to feeling healthy and rejuvenated at the end of the day. It helps replenish your electrolytes after spa treatments like using an infrared sauna or taking a bubble bath, and makes you feel like you’re at the spa while at home with just a few simple ingredients. Some of our favorite spa water combos are strawberry/mint/lime, watermelon/basil, cucumber/orange, pineapple/ginger/mint, and peach/basil.


Learning how to pamper yourself at home is a valuable life skill, as it teaches you how to tune in to your body and give it the time it needs to relax and restore. It is very easy to get caught up in life and forget to slow down, so start off by rewarding yourself with an hour of uninterrupted self-care a week. A spa day at home doesn’t have to be a full day, it can be an hour or even a full weekend. Whenever your schedule allows, take time for yourself with these tips for a perfect DIY spa day at home.

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