• 15 Oct, 2020
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Can You Use a Sauna When Pregnant? 9 Therapies to Try Instead

While using an infrared sauna has a slew of health benefits, that doesn’t necessarily mean it is safe for all to use, especially if you are pregnant. Luckily, there are many other alternative and complementary therapies such as massage and...

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  • 17 Sep, 2020
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What is Heat Therapy? Heat Therapy Benefits and Types

Summer can get pretty hot, but thermotherapy (also known as heat therapy) can get even hotter. While sweating even more than usual in the summer heat may not sound very appealing, heat therapy can be a great tool in managing certain pain and...

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  • 03 Sep, 2020
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50 Ways to Improve Yourself During Self Improvement Month

September is Self Improvement Month, which gives us a perfect reason to take a look at our lives to see how we can improve. Finding ways to improve yourself can be an uncomfortable, but necessary, task. It forces us to analyze what is and i...

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  • 20 Aug, 2020
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Do Saunas Help Remove Toxins from the Body?

By Dr. James DiNicolantonio www.drjamesdinic.com   We are constantly being exposed to environment toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, plastics, flame retardants, phthalates, and more. Many chemicals are sprayed on our ...

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  • 23 Jul, 2020
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Sauna Bathing for Peaceful Minds and Healthy Hearts

By Dr. James DiNicolantonio www.drjamesdinic.com   Most people use saunas for relaxation, stress reduction, pain relief, and socializing. 1 The most commonly reported benefits with sauna use include improvements in pain, mental issues,...

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  • 09 Jul, 2020
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  • Clearlight Infrared Saunas
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Using Saunas for a Natural Substance Abuse Detox Treatment

Detoxification from substances can be an unpleasant experience, but there are many tools, therapies, techniques, and resources available to help make it a little easier. From alcohol to nicotine, the body at times may need help with the d...

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  • 11 Jun, 2020
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30 Day Summer Health Challenge for Your Body and Mind

With summer just recently starting on June 21, the change of the seasons is a perfect excuse to start a new challenge. Use this change in season to really focus on your health – both physically and mentally. Read below for a summer health ...

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  • 28 May, 2020
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Can Sitting in a Sauna Help Fight Infections?

By Dr. James DiNicolantonio www.drjamesdinic.com Did you know that since 1957 sauna therapy has been used as a potential way to prevent the flu? 1 It’s true! During World War II, sauna therapy was even noted to prevent the spread of typhu...

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  • 14 May, 2020
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  • Clearlight Infrared Saunas
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How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally

At a time like this, taking every precaution to stay healthy is imperative. Strengthening your immune system can help prepare your body to fight off sickness. But what exactly does the immune system do, and what steps can you take to help it...

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