How to Create a Perfect Spa Day at Home

Going to the spa is a luxurious experience, but it isn’t always necessary to spend the money on spa treatments. A spa day is the ultimate way to decompress for parents. You can go to a physical spa or set up your own sanctuary at home. At home, claim the bathroom for an hour, draw a relaxing bath, light some candles, and surround yourself with sounds and scents that soothe you. If you have an infrared sauna at home, have a 20-minute session to decompress.

While going to a spa may be more expensive, the act of leaving the house feels like you are making time for yourself more than if you were to stay home. Spas offer services like massages and facials along with amenities such as saunas and steam rooms for the ultimate day of relaxation. Learn how to pamper yourself at home with your very own oasis. See our favorite products here for pampering without leaving the house!

Woman in bath

How to Pamper Yourself at Home

Set Time for Yourself

The first step to creating a perfect spa day at home is making sure you’ve set aside some time for yourself. Clear your schedule, whether it’s for an hour or for an entire weekend, so you can properly immerse yourself in the experience. Also, be sure you’ve completed anything urgent before your spa day. Nothing quite ruins the relaxing vibe like remembering the errands you forgot to run. You deserve the time to unwind and relax, so make sure you make time for yourself!

Stay Hydrated

Have you ever had the delicious water they serve at spas, usually infused with refreshing fruits and herbs? Not only is it a refreshing drink, but staying hydrated during a spa day is crucial to feeling healthy and rejuvenated at the end of the day. Whether you’re replenishing your electrolytes after sweating it out in a sauna or trying to flush out toxins after a massage, water should be a staple in your spa day at home. Some of our favorite spa water combos are:

  • Strawberry + Mint + Lime
  • Watermelon + Basil
  • Cucumber + Orange
  • Pineapple + Ginger + Mint
  • Peach + Basil
Fruit water

Eat Healthy Meals

Just like staying hydrated is important, eating fresh fruits and vegetables can make your at-home spa day a healthy retreat. Eat lightly, don’t have large meals, and snack consistently throughout the day so you don’t suffer from any stomach discomfort while you are trying to relax. If you aren’t big on salads, try to find healthy alternatives to the foods you like. Spa days aren’t just meant to let you relax, they’re meant to nourish your mind and body wholly. Spa treatments on the outside, nourishing food on the inside!

Use an Infrared Sauna

Using an infrared sauna during your spa day at home is an incredible way to pamper yourself. Infrared heat therapy penetrates deep into your skin to help ease muscle aches, increase circulation, and detoxify your skin. This is a great first activity in your spa day, as it helps put your body into relaxation mode for the rest of the day. The detoxification process also helps open the pores, making it easier for your skin to absorb any products you may apply during your spa day. Infrared sauna use also helps reduce stress and affects the autonomic nervous system to help put you in the rest and digest state for proper healing.

You can also incorporate aromatherapy, chromotherapy, halotherapy, and red light therapy to enhance your home spa day even further. If you enjoy yoga, do a restorative hot yoga session in your sauna to stretch and meditate.

Woman in bath

Take a Bath or Shower

After using the sauna, it is incredibly important to rinse off with cool water to avoid clogging your pores. Rinse off with a quick shower first, then relax in either a hot shower or bath to get back into relaxation mode. If showering, do an exfoliating body scrub and some aromatherapy with the shower steam to make a truly luxurious experience. In the bath, make it special with bubbles or a bath bomb. Remember to moisturize after a bath or shower to keep your skin healthy.

Indulge in Spa Treatments

You can’t have a spa day at home without some sort of spa treatment! This part can be as simple or complex as you would like, whether you make a DIY face mask or splurge on expensive home spa products. If you’re on the DIY track, there are plenty of treatments to choose from such as face masks, body scrubs, and hair masks. If going shopping for your spa products, items can range from $2 sheet masks to $400 serums. Whatever you choose, make sure there are no ingredients that may cause you irritation. Other than that, apply your at-home spa treatments and enjoy!

Steaming mug

Light Candles

This tip may seem simple, but sometimes those simple actions can be all you need to get into a relaxed mindset. In today’s world, we are constantly in front of screens and bright lights. At the end of your day of pampering, take your spa day at home to a softer level my lighting candles and taking time to slow down. Avoid using scents that are too strong, and try putting your phone away and reading while surrounded by the ambiance of candles for a grounding and calming experience.

Learning how to pamper yourself at home is a valuable life skill, as it teaches you how to tune in to your body and give it the time it needs to relax and restore. It is very easy to get caught up in life and forget to slow down, so start off with rewarding yourself with an hour of uninterrupted self-care a week. As mentioned earlier, a spa day at home doesn’t have to be a full day, it can be an hour or even a full weekend. Whenever your schedule allows, take time for yourself with these tips for a perfect spa day at home.


Being an athlete requires skill and a strong focus on keeping your body in top shape. Unfortunately, even the most cautious can face injury. Amateur and professional athletes alike are prone to injury, and having the right process for recovery is important for staying in top shape and getting back into action. Read below for an interview with skier Mo Lebel on her inspirational recovery journey. Additionally, find athlete recovery tips on what tools to use and which exercises to try for injury prevention and reduction to stay safe and healthy!


Interview with Mo Lebel & Her Athlete Recovery Experience

We have had the pleasure of speaking with 2018 U.S. National Downhill Champion Mo Lebel on her experience with the athlete recovery process. 21-year old Maureen Lebel, also known as Mo, has had an impressive ski career. Essentially raised on the slopes, Mo has proved to have skiing in her blood. Today, she is now a member of the U.S. National Training Group (NTG) and was crowned the 2018 U.S. National Champion in downhill. Suffering an injury in early 2018 obviously hasn’t held her back from achieving big dreams.

Read below for Mo’s take on athlete injury and how she found success in recovery:

How long have you been skiing? Were you involved in athletics before then?

My whole life! I started skiing before I was two years old and have never looked back!

What are your biggest successes and motivators in your sport?

My biggest successes would be representing the United States at the Junior World Championships and  becoming the 2018 U.S National Downhill Champion.

My motivation is my love for the sport. Whether it’s ski racing or just skiing, I love being out there on the snow. In a lot of ways, ski racing is addicting and everyday that makes me want to be better and better. I meet people who will be in my life forever, go places I could only dream of going, and have learned life lessons that carry me through my day to day life. It’s pretty cool how ski racing has shaped me!


In all of your time in athletics, is injury a common occurrence?

Generally, yes. Ski racing is a high risk sport and injury is not uncommon among a lot of ski racers. Almost every ski race I compete in, an athlete will injure themselves. Luckily, I’ve only had two season-ending injuries (both within the same year). Us ski racers work tremendously hard in the gym to become as strong as possible to prevent these injuries.

What are the biggest setbacks that come with being an injured athlete?

The inability to continue to fulfill your passion!

The setback is not only personal, your support crew feels it too. This can be added stress, but also added motivation. So much hard work goes into any sport and when all of a sudden it’s ripped away from an athlete, it can feel as if  your whole life is put on hold. In reality it’s just a bump in a very long road. Negativity, sadness, and anger are pretty common. What really matters is how fast an athlete can put those thoughts behind them and move forward in a positive way. The biggest setback for any athlete is the limitations of their own mindset. It’s all a learning proces,s and developing resilience is the lesson we learn.

How do you work through your injuries, and why is recovery process important to you?

I have found that staying as positive as I possibly can has helped me heal the fastest and get through my injuries. When I get down on myself I lose sight of what I’m working towards and what I have already accomplished in my career. Personally, sticking to a routine is mandatory. I work through my injuries by establishing a recovery process that includes eating right, exercising as much as possible without pushing it too hard (which is very difficult as a ski racer), spending as much time in my infrared sauna as possible, getting LOTS of sleep and remembering to never take myself too seriously!


How has using infrared technology helped in your recovery process?

I am so impressed with my infrared sauna! It has helped my muscles recover exceptionally fast. Currently, I have a lot of muscle strength to gain back on one leg and spending time in my sauna allows me to strengthen my leg everyday versus every other day. Rarely do I need a “recovery day”. My blood circulation has improved tremendously and I haven’t had swelling in my broken leg for about two months. I broke it three and a half months ago.

I can tell my healing process has been expedited. My infrared sauna has also been great in lowering my stress and mental fatigue during my recovery process. I believe that the infrared sauna heals on all levels, from incision sights and scars, to deep tissue and bone and the benefit of mental stress reduction. It is a fascinating  recovery tool. I can foresee this technology becoming a standard for recovery and maintenance for all.

Do you have any advice for athletes currently going through recovery?

To any recovering athlete, consider finding access to an infrared sauna or investing in one. My recovery is moving in such a positive way, so fast. I can’t imagine this process without infrared technology. I am feeling so great physically and psychologically and I know how crucial that is for athletes. The healing progression is noticeably superior with the incorporation of infrared technology.

Never forget the reasons why you’re recovering! No matter where you are in life, always bring your best!

Woman in sauna

Athlete Recovery Equipment

Infrared Sauna

After working out, you’re sure to feel sore in the muscles you’ve worked. During exercise, your muscles are worked harder than they are accustomed to, which causes them to form microscopic tears. These tears cause inflammation and can result in muscle soreness, tightness, cramps, and sensitivity. Your body then heals these tears to make your muscles stronger. Using a sauna enhances the muscle recovery process by increasing blood circulation and carrying oxygen-rich blood to oxygen-depleted muscle. Heat also allows muscles to relax better, thus relieving muscle tension.

Inversion Table

Inversion therapy is a pretty simple concept. It uses gravity to relieve pressure, increase blood flow, and reset important bodily functions – all of which are vital to the recovery process. Triathletes and other athletes with punishing workout schedules have seen incredible improvements in their overall health as a result of inversion therapy. Inversion therapy helps improve joint health, increase core strength, ease stress, and boost circulation.

Recovery Boots

By using recovery boots in your daily workout, you can speed up the recovery process that your body’s lymphatic and vascular systems perform naturally over a longer period of time. Pneumatic compression increases blood circulation and helps your body get rid of accumulated waste in your muscles faster and more efficiently than your body normally can. The result is that your muscles heal and recover faster.

Athlete Recovery Tips

One of the most frustrating parts of being an injured athlete is the feeling of being inactive. While you may be tempted to jump right back in to your regular routine once you start to feel better, getting back into fitness after an injury must be done slowly and carefully to prevent delayed healing and avoid any further injury. Before getting started with any intensive actions, do these few things:

  1. Explore different physical therapies to find relief such as compression, inversion, and infrared therapies
  2. Prepare yourself mentally, understand that you won’t be performing at your optimal levels
  3. If you suffered a serious injury, consult with your doctor before starting any strenuous activities
  4. Listen to your body and stop or slow down if needed, do not push yourself to unbearable discomfort
  5. Diversify your workouts with cross-training, focusing on non-injured parts of your body to keep moving

Once you are ready to get active, try low-impact athlete recovery exercises to ease you moving in a safe and healthy manner so you can be back to full-form in no time.

Man with knee injury

Athlete Recovery Exercises

Back Injury Recovery

Properly recovering from a back injury is critical to your spinal health. It ensures you maintain your mobility, posture and muscle strength so you can protect your spine. The key to recovering from a back injury is your core. If you’re returning to exercise after an injury to your back, try these core strengthening pelvic tilts and bird dogs.

Shoulder Injury Recovery

Shoulder injuries such as bursitis or tendonitis can be chronic and take a long time to heal. They can cause severe pain and impact your quality of life, making it difficult to perform movements such as reaching, pulling or pushing. Once you’ve been cleared to begin using it again, shoulder injury rehab is the next step. You can rehabilitate and strengthen your shoulder muscles with the pendulum and crossover arm stretches.

Hamstring Injury Recovery

Hamstring strains can be incredibly painful and debilitating. Like shoulder injuries, if a hamstring injury isn’t properly rehabilitated, it can become a chronic or recurring problem. To properly rehabilitate your hamstring, it’s important to find ways to continue to use it without straining it even more. To start your rehabilitation, try single-leg bridges and hamstring curls.

Groin Injury Recovery

Groin injuries can be caused by pulled or strained groin muscles (adductors). These injuries typically affect athletes and can recur if not properly treated. After resting and icing a groin injury, you may decide to return to physical activity with some groin injury rehab exercises such as the adductor squeeze and the side-lying leg lifts with crossover.

Knee Injury Recovery

Knee injuries are very common as it’s one of the most used joints in the body—and the most susceptible to wear and tear. Initially following a knee injury, you’ll want to work on getting your range of motion back, and it’s advisable to work with a physiotherapist for this. To help rehabilitate, try straight leg raises and step-ups.

Suffering from an injury as an athlete may feel restrictive, but with patience and good recovery practices, you are sure to set yourself up for a successful healing period and prevent further injury. As Mo Lebel proves, even major injuries are merely road bumps, and they don’t have to require a full-stop. Follow these athlete recovery tips to get back on track and reach your goals!


If you’ve spent the last months getting in shape for summer, you probably want to maintain your efforts and stay healthy while on vacation. From indulgent meals to not having time to hit the gym, it may seem difficult to maintain your health and fitness goals while taking a trip. Luckily, there are plenty of opportunities for staying healthy on vacation. These suggestions will cover healthy travel tips such as exercises, eating tips, and healthy travel practices to do on-the-go.

woman drinking smoothie

General Healthy Travel Tips

  1. Stay Hydrated: From walking all day to hot temperatures to indulging at the local bar, going on vacation opens up plenty of possibilities for dehydration. Be sure to stay hydrated on your trip to avoid feeling run down. Keep in mind that many countries do not offer water free of charge at restaurants, so pack a reusable water bottle.
  2. Don’t Forget Sunscreen: Practicing proper skin care while on vacation is often an overlooked aspect of healthy traveling. Travel typically means spending a lot of time outside and exploring, and your skin deserves to have a vacation too! On top of protecting your skin with sunscreen, pack your cleanser and moisturizer as well.
  3. Pack Appropriately: You know that, “I’m forgetting something…” feeling? Avoid that with a packing list. Take a close look at your vacation itinerary to see what kind of activities are planned and pack accordingly. Not much is worse than getting to your destination realizing you packed only sandals when you needed sneakers.
  4. Get Enough Rest: It’s easy to be constantly on the go when enjoying a new place. While going nonstop may seem like the best way to fit every activity in, you will soon find that burnout is inevitable. Take breaks when needed and aim to get plenty of sleep every night to keep your body fueled and happy for your vacation.
  5. Follow a Routine: One good way to throw off your vacation is by throwing off your routine. Sure, vacation life is different from everyday life, but staying healthy on vacation is much easier when your body isn’t throw off from what its used to. Keep sleep, meal times, and medication schedules similar to keep your body feeling familiar.
woman meditating on beach

Practicing Mental Health on Vacation

Be Prepared

A healthy vacation starts with healthy planning. Your vacation mental health begins even before you arrive at your destination. Making sure everything at home is squared away and putting together a schedule and general plan for your trip helps reduce vacation fatigue and stress while on your trip meant for relaxation.

Take it Slow

Even though we have suggested planning a schedule for your trip, be wary of over-planning. Having a strict schedule can lead to added stress, especially when the inevitable unexpected plan change happens. Take your vacation time to relax and take it slow instead of worrying about meticulously planning every minute.

Treat Yourself

While on your trip, keep your vacation mental health on track by treating yourself to some luxuries you might not usually indulge in. Book a spa day filled with massage therapy, facials, and relaxing your body and mind in an infrared sauna. Even simply laying by the pool and reading your favorite book can give you that pampered, relaxed feeling.

couple in forest by waterfall

Exercising on Vacation

Find a Hotel Gym

Hotel gyms aren’t equipped quite as well as a full gym, but they can be a key component to staying fit on vacation. Most hotel gyms have the basics – some weights, treadmills, ellipticals, and an exercise ball. That being said, you never know just what your hotel will have, so bring your own mat if you can and be prepared for bodyweight exercises.

Do a Hotel Room Workout

When you’re on vacation, making it to the gym might not be high on your list of to-dos. If you still want to workout on vacation, you can easily fit in a quick hotel room workout before heading out for daily activities. Working out in your hotel room means no equipment, making it easy to stay healthy on vacation and get your blood flowing.

Make it Fun

Staying in a gym or hotel room sound like a boring way to spend your vacation? Incorporate exercise into your travels to make them fun and enjoyable. Whether you choose to explore and walk 5 miles, go on a local hike for views off the beaten path, or getting adventurous with snorkeling, you probably won’t even know you’re exercising on vacation.

healthy fruits

Eating Healthy on Vacation

Don’t Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially when you’re eating healthy on vacation. Many hotels offer free breakfast, which saves you money and provides fuel for a day full of activities. Being full in the morning prevents the urge for unhealthy snacks later in the day. Even if it is a small breakfast, aim for a good balance of protein and carbs.

Eat Fresh When Possible

Depending on where you go, eating healthy on vacation can be as simple as trying the local produce. Look for local items on menus that indicate fresh, unprocessed ingredients. Fresh, local produce is healthier, more delicious, and more authentic than any pre-packaged food you will find on vacation. Be open to trying new foods you might not find at home!

Practice Moderation

Staying fit on vacation doesn’t mean you have to give up on all the delicacies your destination has to offer. Vacations are meant to be enjoyed, and if you want to eat something, eat it! Just be wary of portion sizes and be sure to find a balance between indulging and eating healthy. Overindulging and under-indulging can both lead to post-vacation blues.

Going on a trip doesn’t have to mean losing track of your health and fitness. By following thee healthy travel tips, you can easily maintain your mental health, workouts, and healthy eating on vacation while having the trip of your life!

What is Hot Yoga? Hot Yoga Benefits & More

International Day of Yoga is June 21, so what better way to celebrate than learning about a new form of yoga? You have probably heard of hot yoga, but might be wary to commit to such a seemingly intense practice. Hot yoga has been around for years and has been a beneficial tool for physical, mental, and spiritual connection. Learn about hot yoga health benefits, poses, and tips to make this a regular part of your practice!

Woman stretching

What is Hot Yoga?

As the name implies, hot yoga is the practice of yoga in a heated setting. Hot yoga sessions are typically more vigorous and intense than the average yoga practice. There are many ways to experience hot yoga, whether you are attending a class of practicing on your own at home. Many use hot yoga as a way to connect with their bodies physically, mentally, or spiritually.

Bikram Yoga is the most common way to practice, where rooms are heated to 105°F (40°C) with 40% humidity. In this practice, 26 hot yoga poses are performed to activate muscles and increase blood circulation throughout the body.

Outside of a class, you can easily practice hot yoga on your own. Either in a heated room or in a home sauna, solo hot yoga is a wonderful way to connect with your body and learn its limits without pushing it too far.

Group Taking Low-Impact Yoga Class

Benefits of Hot Yoga

Aided Weight Loss

Just like with infrared saunas, the heat of hot yoga boosts heart rate, and therefore increases metabolic rate to burn more calories. Increased calorie burn teamed up with water weight loss from sweating result in higher weight loss.

Decreased Stress

Applied heat helps relax muscles and reduce pain, and hot yoga promotes a focus on proper breathing technique. These help calm both your body and mind to reduce stress. Serotonin levels are also boosted by hot yoga to improve mood.

Eliminated Toxins

Just like with infrared sauna detoxification, hot yoga helps detoxify the body through sweat. As heat is increased, sweat glands are stimulated and your body eliminates toxins and other harmful buildup that has accumulated over time.

Enhanced Lung Capacity

Because hot yoga places such a large emphasis on deep breathing techniques that expand lungs, your lungs can be trained to take in more air. Deep breathing and enhanced lung capacity allow your body to take in more oxygen, as well.

Improved Circulation

Being active in yoga increases your circulation, and adding in the element of heat increases it even more. During your hot yoga sessions, your heart rate should be between 60-80% of your maximum heart rate to feel cardiovascular benefits.

Increased Flexibility

Even if you don’t consider yourself particularly flexible, hot yoga can help. The heat helps warm up muscles and joints to make mobility and flexibility easier. The slow and deep stretches in hot yoga also help increase flexibility over time.

Minimized Injury

Similarly to increased flexibility, the heat during hot yoga helps lessen tension in muscles and joints to reduce the chance of injury. On top of that, the increased blood flow aids in healing injuries quicker in the event of an injury.

Strengthened Immune System

Yoga can increase immune cell counts and antibodies. Added with heat that increases the body’s immune response and a reduction of cortisol, a stress hormone that weakens the immune system, hot yoga can help prevent and reduce illness.

Woman stretching

Hot Yoga Tips

Be Mindful of Your Body’s Limits

As mentioned earlier, practicing hot yoga poses can increase your flexibility. While it might feel great in the moment, keep in mind just how far your body can realistically go and how it will feel once the effects of heat wear off.

Bring Extra Towels

Chances are, you’ll sweat a lot during your hot yoga session. Be prepared for the extra moisture by bringing towels to keep yourself and equipment dry. Working on a slippery yoga mat can be uncomfortable and a safety hazard during class.

Do Hot Yoga in a Sauna

Boost the benefits of hot yoga by practicing in an infrared sauna. Both infrared saunas and hot yoga offer the health benefits of detoxification, weight loss, flexibility, and reduced stress. Doing hot yoga in a sauna is the perfect scenario!

Eat Light

Because hot yoga poses are more involved and vigorous than your average yoga class, it’s important to fuel your body before your hot yoga session. Eat a healthy meal about 2-4 hours before your session to avoid cramps, nausea, or fatigue.

Practice Breathing

One of the main focuses of hot yoga is honing in on your breath. Breathing exercises help bring you to a state of mindfulness and concentration, which can help you push through the heat of your hot yoga session and get comfortable.

Stay Hydrated

Sweating is great for purging toxins, but can be dangerous if you don’t hydrate before and after practicing hot yoga. Drink water, replenish your electrolytes, and put moisturizer on your skin to ensure your body doesn’t lose any hydration.

Use High-Quality Equipment

From the clothes you wear and the yoga mat you use to the space you’re practicing in, making sure you use the proper equipment and high-quality materials is important for your safety and comfort during any hot yoga session.

For this year’s International Day of Yoga, expand your practice by adding in a hot yoga session or two. Whether you practice in a class or on your own, you’ll experience the many benefits of hot yoga and find a new way to connect with yourself mindfully, spiritually, and physically.


2019 has kicked off, and New Year’s resolutions are in full swing! January is always the most active month for healthy resolutions, but now is when people tend to fall off and revert back to their old ways. We’ve put together a list of our favorite healthy resolutions that are easy to maintain after the hype of the start of the year is over.

So are you on track with your healthy New Year’s resolutions? Read below to see what you can do to keep them up, and maybe add a few new healthy resolutions to your list for wellness in the new year!

New Year Resolution list

Health & Wellness Resolutions

Be Kind to Yourself & Others

It has been found that negative thinking is linked to increased stress, lower self-esteem, and even increased risk of death. Make it a goal in 2019 to spread positivity. Remind yourself of your successes and capabilities, and help others on their positivity journey by being kind to those around you. A smile or compliment goes a long way!

Cook at Home

Start cooking more of your meals at home this year, whether it’s through meal prep for the week or by having a few date nights at home. Studies show that people who cook at home consume fewer calories than those who don’t – both at home and while out. Cooking at home also allows you to use healthier and fresher ingredients.

Declutter Your Life

Cleaning up your home and organizing your life is the “in” thing to do right now, and it’s something we can get behind. Get a head start on spring cleaning this year by decluttering your home, organizing files, and keeping things tidy. Decluttering has been shown to decrease anxiety, reduce allergens, increase productivity, and more.

Disconnect for a Bit

In this day, our phones are always around. Make one of your healthy resolutions for the remainder of the year to disconnect from time to time. Whether you do a 24-hour phone detox or simply make an effort to not use technology 30 minutes before bed, unplugging can give you time to connect and be present in life on a new level.

Do a Quarterly Detox Diet

Sticking to a new diet plan that is too rigorous can lead to you losing steam, which can cause you to cut the diet short. Instead, stick to making small lifestyle changes with your diet that are manageable for long-term success, and do a quarterly detox to get a fresh start every few months. Less of a time commitment and more success!

Friends Hanging Out with Alcohol-Free Drinks

Drink to Your Health

What you drink can make a huge impact on your health. For the remainder of the year, be mindful of what you have in your glass. The goal: Drink more water; drink less soda, alcohol, and sugary juices. Staying hydrated has a number of health benefits like muscle cramp prevention, detoxification, better skin, and better brain function.

Get More Sleep

This tip is imperative for wellness in the new year. Maybe January was busy with getting the year started, but now you have the rest of the year to get your sleep schedule on track. Getting ample sleep helps reduce stress, improve cardiovascular health, and boost your immune system. All you need to do is catch some Zs!

Improve Your Posture

We’ll bet you just sat a little straighter or stood a little taller after reading that, didn’t you? Being conscious of your posture is a simple and effective wellness fix, as good posture has many health benefits such as reduced back pain, increased energy levels, boosted confidence, improved workouts, and more. It only takes a second.

Join a Fitness Class

“Join the gym” is probably one of the most-used New Year’s resolutions around. Now that the first month of the year is over, gyms empty out as people burn out on their resolutions. Avoid burnout the remainder of the year by finding fitness you enjoy and keeps you moving, whether that’s yoga, spin, a running club, or something else.

Learn How to Say “No”

This might be one of the most difficult healthy resolutions, as it requires unlearning a lifetime of saying yes. In 2019, tend to your mental health by learning how to set boundaries for yourself by saying no to things that do not add value to your life. Simply be firm and kind, and know that you come first for your own mental health.

Pick Up a New Life Skill

Take the rest of the year to develop a new life skill! Have you been wanting to learn a new language? Or maybe you’re ready to learn how to master the kitchen? Whatever you choose, make this your year to learn and become a better-rounded person. As the saying goes, a year from now, you’ll wish you started it today.

Couple traveling

Plan a Vacation

In 2017, it was reported that 52% of employees in the United States had unused vacation days. While working is necessary, so is taking a break! You have 11 months left to use up those days, so start planning your vacations! Not only will you get a well-deserved time to relax, you also have something to look forward to over the year.

Spend Time Outside

There’s nothing like some fresh air to keep you feeling fresh. When weather permits, opt for a stroll instead of a short drive. Read a book or have your morning coffee on the patio when you have time to relax, or plan a full day of hiking. Whatever you choose, you’ll increase your Vitamin D, feel happier, and get more exercise.

Try New Health Practices

Been interested in trying some new health practices? This year is your time to try something new. Depending on your desired health benefits, there are plenty of great practices to look in to. Some of our favorite health practices are detoxifying in an infrared saunachilling out with cryotherapy, releasing tension with acupuncture.

Visit Your Doctor Regularly

Forgetting to book your regular appointments can be easy with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This year, make it a priority to get your routine checkups with your doctor and dentist, and don’t be shy to make appointments when feeling sick. It’s better to maintain health than to only tend to it once you’re already sick.

Maintaining your healthy resolutions doesn’t have to be a New Year’s activity that fades away after the excitement of January. Use these tips to make sure your health New Year’s resolutions last throughout the whole year! Your mind and body will be on the right road toward total wellness in the new year and beyond.


With our busy lives, podcasts are becoming increasingly popular. From entertainment to news to lifestyle, we can listen to our favorite topics in the car, at work, or on a run. As the new year begins, we round up the top health and wellness podcasts to listen to in 2019. Whether you’re looking for some workout motivation, are looking for diet tips, or just want to learn fun facts about health, these podcasts have the answers to keep you feeling happy, healthy, and refreshed going in to the new year!

Man listening to podcast

Best Health Podcasts

  1. Bulletproof Radio
    Dave Asprey wasn’t going to just stop at the Bulletproof Coffee craze. Instead, he expanded his efforts to teach the world how to “hack” the body and live the ultimate life through body and mind. Bulletproof Radio features insights from meditation experts, MDs, biochemists, and more.
  2. Motivated
    ABC News correspondent Mara Schiavocampo guides listeners through their total health and wellness journeys based on her own experience in weight loss and the tips and tricks she picked up along the way. Listen in for the keys to living a happier and healthier life through spirituality, health, wellness, and nutrition.
  3. Optimal Health Daily
    Want to listen to a range of health topics, but don’t want to download every health podcast on the market or search far and wide for the best topics? The Optimal Health Daily podcast rounds up the best content from health blogs and other resources to curate the ultimate audioblog.
  4. TEDTalks Health
    This health podcast covers a wide range of health topics, from teaching you daily health habits to featuring in-depth interviews with medical professionals about research and medicine. It’s like being at a TED Health conference, but in the comfort of your own home or car!
  5. The Wellness Mama Podcast
    Designed by a mom who understands the busy lifestyle of having a family, the Wellness Mama Podcast is perfect for those looking for a healthier family life. This weekly podcast by Katie Wells of Wellness Mama covers topics like holistic health, stress, parenting, nutrition, and natural living.
Woman Eating Healthy Meal for Winter Health

Best Nutrition Podcasts

  1. Balanced Bites
    Diane Sanfilippo, New York Times bestselling author of Practical Paleo and The 21-Day Sugar Detox, teams up with co-host Liz Wolfe to share a witty approach to health, wellness, and a modern take of the Paleo diet. Every week they answer listener questions and makes it feel like you’re spending time with good friends.
  2. Diet Starts Tomorrow
    If you’re on the market for fun, explicit nutritional help, this podcast is for you! Aleen Kuperman and Samantha Fishbein from Betches host this no-nonsense podcast to share real experiences from real women while tackling the psychological and emotional side of weight struggles – all while keeping a smile on your face.
  3. Dishing Up Nutrition
    You’ve heard of the saying “You are what you eat,” right? The Dishing Up Nutrition podcast aims to teach how you feel what you eat and how to feel better by improving your diet. The podcast covers nutrition’s impact on topics such as fertility, stress, brain health, and more.
  4. Food Heaven
    Two friends Wendy and Jess are both registered dietitians with Master’s degrees in nutrition. With their knowledge and love for delicious and nutritious eating, the two set out to educate others to make lifelong sustainable changes toward health while keeping a lifestyle they love.
  5. The Nutrition Diva
    From licensed nutritionist Monica Reinagel comes the Nutrition Diva podcast. Listen in for tips on how to make nutrition easy without to stress or complicated instructions. Topics such as fasting, mindful eating, diet trends, and information on the ingredients you use everyday make nutrition fun and painless.
Woman listening to music while working out

Best Fitness Podcasts

  1. 20 Minute Fitness
    Today’s science and technology have certainly helped make fitness easier and more effective. This fitness podcast dives into the latest health technology, science, methodology, and nutrition that will help you stay up-to-date in your fitness routines. With quick, 20-minute shows, you can easily listen to and from the gym!
  2. Ben Greenfield Fitness
    Functional fitness and natural remedies are the main focus in Ben Greenfield’s fitness podcast. Ben’s approach is all about getting your body to peak performance through fat burning, hormonal balance, gut health, mental efficiency, and recovery. This podcast takes fitness beyond exercise and diet.
  3. Hurdle
    Want to see how fitness has transformed people’s lives? The Hurdle podcast brings you inspirational stories from a range of people, from top CEOs to average Joes, who have found success and established happier and healthier lives by focusing on wellness during tough times.
  4. Marathon Training Academy
    Many people set the goal to run a half or full marathon in the new year. If this is your goal for 2019, be sure to listen to the podcast from Marathon Training Academy! Host Angie Spencer is a registered nurse who helps you through the ups and downs of training for this true fitness feat.
  5. Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
    In the fitness world, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest fads and trends. Mind Pump aims to break down and shed light on common misconceptions in the fitness industry. Using humor, science-backed facts, and knowledge from being trainers, coaches, and gym managers, these guys make learning about fitness fun.

When kicking off your health goals this year, check out some of these health and wellness podcasts to start you off on the right foot. Sometimes all you need is that little bit of motivation, a community to lean on, a coach to look up to, or simply just something to listen to while stuck in traffic on the way to work! Find the hosts and topics that meet your style, and you’ll be surprised just how much fitness and health podcasts can make an impression on your wellness.


This year, give the gift of health to your loved ones. Many people are becoming more invested in their wellness, and the holidays are the perfect time to treat them with gifts that will benefit long after the season ends. From healthy subscription boxes to a home sauna, this holiday guide of healthy gift ideas has a gift suggestion for any health guru on your list within a range of budgets.

Focus on wellness for yourself, and avoid the stresses of holiday shopping with these health and wellness gifts for anyone on your list!

Adventure seeker gifts

1. Travel Walking Tour

Prices Vary

travel walking tour gives a whole new perspective on seeing a new place. Whether it’s a hike through the mountains or discovering a city by foot, this is a gift that will provide priceless memories in any city you choose.

2. GoPro HERO5 4K HD Waterproof Camera

$215 | Buy Here

Any adventurer will love this gift during the holidays! Having a camera that can brave any condition is the perfect excuse to go outside and start exploring. This sturdy camera will be a trusty companion on any expedition.

3. Allbirds Travel Shoes

$95 | Buy Here

From walking around cities to sitting on long flights, keeping your feet comfortable is necessary for travel. These eco-friendly shoes offer support, comfort, and durability to make sure the exploring doesn’t have to slow down.

4. Aria Travel Kit


If your loved one is always on the go, a travel kit is a must. This travel kit has everything you need for  comfortable and healthy travel, including moisturizer, an eye mask, earbuds, a toothbrush, and much more.

Healthy Gift Ideas for:
The Culinary Wonder

Culinary wonder gifts

1. Cooking Classes

Prices Vary

Pinterest can only go so far in the kitchen. Give the gift of learning new kitchen skills and finding new healthy recipes! A cooking class is a great activity for a couple, or to give your significant other for a future date night.

2. Vitamix 7500 Blender

$530 | Buy Here

This may be an expensive gift, but people swear by it in the kitchen. Not only is it durable, it’s also versatile and can be used to chop vegetables, puree fruits, grind spices, heat soups, emulsify sauces, and so much more.

3. ChefSteps Joule Sous Vide

$179 | Buy Here

Recently, the sous vide has been taking modern kitchens by storm. This is one of the healthy gift ideas that keeps on giving, as making healthy meals is as easy to start and monitor through an app on your phone.

4. Blue Apron Subscription

$60 | Buy Here

Even if your foodie loved one is a pro in the kitchen, it’s nice to take a break from finding recipes and grocery shopping every now and then. Blue Apron is one of the pioneers in this field, meaning they know how to make great food.

Healthy Gift Ideas for:
The Health Guru

Health tools

1. Fitness Classes

Prices Vary

Fitness classes are fun healthy gift ideas, because there are so many workouts to choose from. From dance to boxing to yoga, you can find just about anything to fit the fitness levels and interests of those on your gift list.

2. Garmin vívoactive® 3

$270 | Buy Here

Smartwatches are a fitness enthusiast’s best friend, and the vívoactive 3 is the ultimate accessory for an active life. Not only does this watch have built-in GPS, it also has Garmin Pay to go cardless and Bluetooth to stay connected.

3. Muhdo DNA Profiling Kit

$193 | Buy Here

You’ve probably heard of the other DNA profiling kits, but Muhdo does something the others don’t: fitness. This kit offers personalized fitness routines, diet tips, and health reports to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

4. Fitbit Aria 2™ Wi-Fi Smart Scale

$130 | Buy Here

If someone on your gift list is on a fitness journey, a smart scale makes tracking easier with just one step. This scale records your weight, BMI, and body fat percentage through an app, and is compatible with Fitbit trackers.

Healthy Gift Ideas for:
The Homebody

Homebody gifts

1. Home Infrared Sauna

Inquire for Prices

Giving the gift of an infrared sauna is giving the gift of ultimate health and wellness – and all to enjoy at home! Whether a gift for your family or yourself, treat your loved ones to the many benefits of sauna use this season.

2. Smart Garden 9

$120 | Buy Here

Many people enjoy tending to a garden. It’s a calming activity that truly allows you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. This garden is wonderful for new gardeners or for bad weather when indoor gardening is more convenient.

3. UGG Aira Slippers

$90 | Buy Here

Slippers are unassumingly wonderful wellness gifts for anyone in your life. From cozying up in front of the fireplace to walking around the house in comfort, slippers will keep everyone comfortable this holiday season.

4. Lush Honey Gift Box

$38 | Buy Here

Sometimes, all you need to unwind is a spa day at home. This simple but sweet gift is great for anyone on your holiday gift list with all-natural soap, shower gel, lip balm, and body butter to rejuvenate winter skin and stress.

Healthy Gift Ideas for:
The Tech Enthusiast

More health gifts

1. Sony Noise-Cancelling Bluetooth Headphones

$198 | Buy Here

Workouts, long flights, relaxation… whatever headphones are needed for, these are the right choice. Your friend or family member will love the high-quality sound of these versatile earbuds that can be enjoyed every day.

2. Echo Show

$180 | Buy Here

The Echo Show is the home voice assistant that does it all. This gift features video and voice calling with other Echo devices, can control smart devices in your home, and can be used to pull up recipes, music, and more.

3. Ember Smart Travel Mug

$150 | Buy Here

Is your loved one always on the go? Or notoriously bad for forgetting about their tea until it’s cold? The Ember mug allows you to monitor the temperature of your beverage through an app, keeping the drink perfectly warm.

4. Hue Color Light Bulb Starter Kit

$80 | Buy Here

These are both a cool party trick and ambiance lighting or chromotherapy in your home! The Hue Color bulbs are controlled with an app or voice assistant to light your home in various ways, making for a great Smart Home gift.

When shopping for your friends and family this holiday season, keep these healthy gifts in mind to end the year on a happy and healthy note! These wellness gifts are sure to be enjoyed for many years to come and provide lasting health benefits, whether it’s mentally, physically, or emotionally. Happy shopping, and happy holidays!


Workplace wellness has been a growing trend for businesses as management realizes the benefits of having happy, healthy employees. Additionally, people are increasingly putting a larger emphasis on working with companies who invest in employee development, work-life balance, and personal wellness. Because of this, today it is more important than ever to create a positive, healthy atmosphere in the office to encourage new hires and ensure current employees feel appreciated.

If you are an employer, discover how to keep your workplace feeling refreshed with workplace wellness programs that include meditation sessions, physical activity, standing desks, time outdoors, and more. If you are an employee, find easy office ideas and tips to do your part in promoting wellness in the workplace.

man laughing

For Employers: Workplace Wellness Programs

Promoting a healthy lifestyle in your company will not only result in healthy employees, it’ll result in happy and more productive employees, as well! Studies show that employees who participate in workplace wellness programs regain an additional 10.3 hours of productivity annually. On top of that, healthy employees means fewer sick days.

Try incorporating these four healthy scenarios to increase wellness in the workplace:

Schedule a Weekly Meditation Session

It is no secret that mental health plays a large role in mood, productivity, and even physical well-being. Supporting your employees’ mental health is especially important in today’s hectic world. Meditation is a powerful tool to find balance and help clear the mind of negative thoughts and instead focus energy on a positive and relaxing outlook.

Scheduling a company-wide meditation once a week will help everyone feel more centered and prepared to take on the remainder of the week. Meditation sessions can include guided and sound meditations – many of which can be found on YouTube. Choose a time when meetings are light and office mood starts to hit a wall in order to revitalize the workplace.

Plan Outdoor Team Outings

Being cooped up in an office all day, staring at a computer screen, and getting little to no physical activity can make it difficult to stay motivated and focused. Getting fresh air and some Vitamin D have been shown to have many health benefits, from boosted mood to increased energy. Help get employees moving by scheduling outdoor team outings.

This can be done by creating calendar invites for short, 5-minute walks around the building every couple of hours. Not only is this an opportunity to get fresh air and a few extra steps in, it is also a natural way to get to know your team a little better. Have a packed schedule but still need fresh air? Get out of the conference room and start doing walking meetings.

people in office

Set Up Standing Desks

One of the most popular recent workplace wellness trends is the standing desk. While the initial claims of weight loss may have been blown out of proportion, as standing only burns approximately 8 more calories an hour than sitting, there are still many benefits to standing while you work.

Sitting for prolonged periods of time has been linked with higher risk for health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, and breaking up the day by standing can help decrease risk. While standing all day might not be preferred by all, setting up a standing desk station provides those who want to stand an opportunity.

Invest in a Workplace Wellness Center

If space and money permit, investing in a workplace wellness center for employees is a great step toward investing in their health. An office gym with an infrared sauna to use after a long work day or during the lunch break is great for employees who want to sweat out the stress and tensions of sitting at a desk all day.

If a gym is out of reach for your situation, a quiet area with a massage chair and healthy snacks is also great way to invest in your employees’ wellness. Other cost-effective and space-saving solutions are corporate gym memberships to allow employees to use a gym at a discount and simply hosting activities such as 5-minute abs or yoga in a conference room.

using laptop

For Employees: Workplace Wellness Tips

Working in an office that promotes a happy and healthy environment with workplace wellness programs is ideal, but what if your company still isn’t there yet? Luckily, there are plenty of things you can personally do on your own to promote wellness in the workplace in the meantime!

Keep up your own personal wellness while in the office with these workplace wellness ideas:

Get Up to Stretch

Let’s face it: You aren’t doing your body any favors by sitting all day and staring at a screen. Most likely, you’re not properly set up with back support for sitting with perfect posture. Extended sitting has been shown to increase your risk for mortality. The simple solution: Get up and move.

Stretching, whether simple 3-minute stretch breaks every hour or longer walks to stretch your legs, has been shown to improve postureincrease blood flow to muscles after being sedentary, prevent back pain, and even decrease tension headaches – all things very important to keep your body in top-shape at the office.

Stay Hydrated

Between meetings and projects, remember to drink your daily recommended amount of water. The average recommended water equation is bodyweight ÷ 2 = ounces of water per day. For example, someone weighing 150 pounds should aim to drink 75 ounces of water daily with a moderate lifestyle.

Staying hydrated helps increase mood and energy levelsimprove brain functiondecrease headaches, and more. If going back and forth to the break room to fill up a small cup is too tedious and discouraging you from drinking water, get a large reusable water bottle or a carafe for your desk to help both the planet and your hydration!


Have a Healthy Diet

The office break room can be a snacker’s paradise, filled with easy-to-grab food like chips and sodas. It’s easy to fall into the trap of mindlessly snacking on these unhealthy treats when you are focused on a project at work. Combat this by bringing in your own healthy treats, such as baby carrots and hummus or an apple, to keep your mind off of the chips.

Healthy snacks keep you full longer, give your more energy to avoid the post-lunch crash, and provide better nutrition – which means your body is filled with more of the good stuff to protect you from workplace germs when office cold season arrives.

Be Social

As mentioned previously, mental health plays a large role in overall health. While some find solace in not socializing constantly, human interaction has been proven to reduce the risk of depression and improve both mental and physical health. Socializing while working can bring a positive attitude to the overall wellness in the workplace.

Not all companies are keen on talking during work, and depending on your type of work, finding time to socialize may be difficult. If you work in a stricter workplace, schedule coffee breaks with your colleagues, make time for a lunch break with friends, or schedule weekly or monthly happy hours to get to know your coworkers better.

Whether you’re an employer or an employee, there are many steps you can take to contribute to wellness in the workplace. Putting a bigger emphasis on work-life balance and creating a healthy and happy atmosphere will make your work days just that much happier, more productive, and efficient. Follow these workplace wellness ideas, and get your company on the right track toward health!


For smokers, quitting can be one of the most difficult tasks, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution that works for every situation. From medications to going cold turkey to holistic approaches to quit smoking naturally, there are many options available to you when quitting smoking. Here’s a bit of good news: If you’re reading this now, that means you are already motivated to make a change and are on the right path to finding the best solution for you, whether through medical treatments or with home remedies.

While effective, not everyone wants to take a medical approach to quitting smoking, and cold turkey may be too extreme for your style. Learn different natural remedies to help you quit smoking, and how to detoxify your body after, with supplements, sauna use, and more.

Man smoking on balcony

Lifestyle Changes to Quit Smoking Naturally


When smoking, your body is unable to properly absorb important nutrients. When quitting smoking naturally, you can make the transition smoother and healthier by eating a balanced diet to help restore nutrients your body may be lacking. Eat a diet rich in calcium and vitamins C and D, making sure to eat your fruits and vegetables and drink some milk! Milk has been said to make cigarettes taste worse, thus reducing the desire to smoke, and vegetables help decrease cravings.


The toxins from smoking build up in your body, leaving it out of shape and in poor health. The best way to sweat out those toxins and get back in shape? Exercise! Not only does exercise do the obvious of building strength and preventing weight gain, but it is also a healthy diversion from cravings when quitting smoking naturally. Exercise improves the health of smoking-damaged heart and lungs, and gives you a boost of energy to keep you in good spirits while quitting.


Staying hydrated is key to leading a healthy life, and sipping water throughout the day can help with quitting smoking naturally. Water helps flush toxins from the body, something necessary to remove the toxic ingredients of cigarettes from your body. Drinking a glass of cold water 15 minutes before eating a meal balances your metabolic rate – which can help you avoid weight gain after quitting. Hydrating your body will also help it heal faster and look healthier.


Techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation can do wonders for mentally coping with the cessation of smoking. Stress is often a trigger for reaching for a pack of cigarettes to feel a moment of relaxation. Learn some meditation techniques and simple breathing exercises to practice whenever a craving hits and train yourself on how to be mindful of what your stressors are, how they affect your cravings, and how to manage stress in a healthy manner.


Smoking takes a toll on your sleep, even when quitting, so it is important to put a focus on getting enough sleep when stopping your habit. Sleep gives our bodies time to reset, rest, rejuvenate, and restore. Along the same lines as making sure you are relaxed, getting enough sleep is necessary to have mentally clarity throughout the day to improve mood and avoid stress. If you are feeling especially tired and begin to feel a craving, taking a nap can be an effective coping tool.

Couple in a sauna

Holistic Therapies to Quit Smoking Naturally

Sauna Therapy

After any amount of prolonged smoking will leave your body filled with harmful toxins. Sauna therapy is well-known for its detoxification abilities and spending time in one after quitting smoking – especially in the earlier days of quitting – you body has the chance to purge impurities. Depending on the length of being a smoker, the time it takes to detoxify varies.

Smoking puts you at risk of developing many health issues, and even quitting can have unpleasant health issues from withdrawals. There are many health benefits of infrared sauna use that make it easier to quit smoking naturally, including: improved blood circulation, reduced fatigue and stress, improved immune system, and rejuvenated skin.

Try to start your sauna therapy treatments as close to quitting smoking as possible. The sooner you can rid your body of toxins, the faster your body will be able to heal and overcome the habit of smoking.

Massage Therapy

Whether you visit the spa or do self-massage at home, working out muscle tension can help manage cigarette cravings. As mentioned earlier, finding time to relax reduces the anxiety that may trigger the desire to smoke. Massage therapy is also beneficial in combating the depressed moods you may feel during withdrawal.

Some studies show that smokers who were assigned to do a self-massage treatment on their hands or ears during cigarette cravings. After a month, those practicing massage therapy while trying to quit smoking reported lower anxiety, improved mood, fewer withdrawal symptoms, and fewer cigarettes smoked per day.

An added bonus: massages can promote detoxification – including the toxins from smoking. A lymph drainage massage can help flush the lymph system, reproduce white blood cells, and remove toxins from tissue.


Some smoking cessation studies show that hypnotherapy, or the use of hypnosis to break habits or treat certain medical conditions, can be more successful in preventing smoking relapse than traditional nicotine replacement therapies (NRT). Hypnotherapy patients had a higher chance of long-term abstinence than those using NRT.

Additionally, another smoking relapse prevention study shows that hypnotherapy is slightly more effective in preventing relapse than behavioral relapse prevention intervention – with the hypnosis group seeing a 29% quit rate and the behavioral counseling group experiencing a 28% quit rate.

This practice is a great way to quit smoking naturally, as it focuses on the psychological root of your addiction and does not rely on smoking replacements or distractions.

Woman smelling oils


This holistic therapy is one you can easily do on your own, no matter where you are. Previous smokers have found relief in the smoking quitting process by using essential oils – especially when using an aromatic inhaler. When a craving begins, simply reach for the essential oils instead of a cigarette.

The action of bringing either an aromatic inhaler or a piece of white paper with a drop of oil toward your face can imitate the feeling of bringing a cigarette to your mouth. This is especially helpful if you have recently begun your journey and cannot immediately break away from your old habits.

Some essential oils to consider are black pepper oil, tobacco absolute, and Angelica essential oil. Black pepper essential oil replicates the feeling of cigarette smoke in your respiratory system, thus reducing cigarette cravings.


Traditional Chinese Medicine introduced the practice of acupuncture, which has been catching on a a viable treatment to a range of ailments, including the cessation of smoking. Just like the previous holistic treatments to quit smoking naturally, this practice produces no side effects, making it a great option for those who are wary to use medication.

Pressure points in the ears have shown to curb tobacco cravings, as the cranial nerves in that area stimulate the nervous system and trigger you body’s responses to relax. In general, acupuncture releases endorphins, and being in a calmer state helps reduce cravings for cigarettes.

A long-term study regarding acupuncture and the cessation of tobacco use monitored users over the course of 5 years and reported that those receiving acupuncture were more motivated to reduce smoking or quit completely.

With simple lifestyle changed, home remedies, and holistic therapies, there are many treatment options available to you when trying to stop smoking. Whether you decide to quit smoking naturally or through some other means, congratulations on taking the next step toward a happier and healthier you!


In the last few years, we have seen a large uptick in the “trend” to live a healthy lifestyle. With this comes new innovation in the wellness and health technology industries. From free meditation apps to sleep monitoring systems, we now have the power to monitor and improve our health more than ever before.

Tracking running on phone

Below are 8 natural and digital health and wellness products that are sure to improve your quality of life while making you the ultimate health guru!

Health Gadgets

Smart Water Bottles

There is no doubt that drinking water is absolutely necessary for a range of health benefits. Unfortunately, the seemingly simple task of drinking the recommended daily amount of water (about half your body weight in ounces) can be quite arduous. Luckily, staying hydrated is made easier by the invention of smart water bottles! These smart bottles help reduce the amount of effort needed to remember to drink and track intake throughout the day. The Hidrate Spark 2.0 glows to remind you when the drink, whereas the Geniway CloudCUP has a digital display to show water temperature and how much has been consumed, along with an app to track your progress.

Fitness Trackers

One of the most popular health gadget trends is wearable technology. Fitness trackers are made for everyone, from avid athletes who want to track training progress to the average person who would like to increase their daily steps. Classic wearable fitness brands include FitBit and Garmin, but even fashion designers and companies like Apple have been getting in on the trend. As the technology advances, these fitness trackers provide more robust insights into your health and a plethora of features to help you stay on track. Set reminders to get up and move, track exercise times, monitor heart rate, record GPS route and distance, and more with just a simple wristwatch and app.

Sleep Sensors

Getting a lot of sleep but not feeling well-rested? Curious to know what type of sleeper you are? Wondering what might be keeping you up at night? Using a sleep sensor may be the answer to all those questions. The ResMed S+ is a comprehensive sleep sensor and monitor that can help you identify problem areas in your sleep – whether that be light, temperature, sound, or movement. The app tracks your progress, which is a wonderful tool to see which changes impact your quality of sleep. With sleep being such an important part of our health, understanding our sleep cycles and finding solutions to issues will ultimately lead to better health all-around.

Person Using Wearable Fitness and Wellness Tracker

TENS Units

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, or TENS, units are the perfect health gadget for the wellness guru who suffers from stiff or sore muscles. These devices were typically used medically in the past, but are now making headway into the comfort of our own homes. TENS units use electrical pulses to stimulate muscles. This process helps soothe achy muscles after a workout when foam rolling just isn’t doing the trick, or if you are feeling stiff from sitting down all day at work or while traveling. Usually fairly small (smaller than your phone), it’s a wonderful health gadget to have while on the go or stored in a drawer in your room or bathroom.

Wellness Products

Meditation Apps

Breathe in… breathe out… who knew something so simple could be so powerful? In a world where things are constantly on the go, it’s easy to get sucked into the constant cycle of media, to-do lists, and keeping up with friends and family. But what if we used the power of technology to soothe instead of stimulate? Many meditation apps exist today, geared toward giving you those 15 minutes of calm. These mindful apps cover a range of meditation options, from guided imagery to sound therapy to simple deep breathing exercises. You can tailor the experience even further and find practices targeted toward stress, insomnia, depression, and more.

Himalayan Salt Lamps

This wellness product is more natural than it is technical, but it is a must-have in any health guru’s home. The technology in this gadget is the light bulb that is placed inside of a large piece of pink Himalayan salt. The salt is believed to be millions of years old, and the minerals that give the salt a pink hue are natural ionizers. This means that they change the electrical charge of the surrounding air with the ions they produce when heated by the light bulb. Himalayan salt lamps have been thought to help improve air quality, boost mood, and aid in better sleep.

Halotherapy, or the practice of salt therapy, has been a holistic treatment used as far back as ancient Roman and Grecian times. To take this treatment a step further, try combining the practice with other therapies. If you have an infrared sauna, incorporating the Microsalt Halotherapy Generator with the healing effects of infrared therapy will leave you feeling more refreshed than ever before.

Salt therapy

Home Assistants

Creating a calm and comfortable space is important for maintaining a sense of wellness at home. There are a few ways to accomplish this, from clearing out clutter to redecorating to indulging in fancy bath products. With today’s technology, you can take your home sanctuary a step further. Examples of technology that can make your home smarter and more comfortable include home assistants, like Amazon Echo, that can help take care of simple tasks and smart thermostats, like Nest, that allow you to program the perfect temperature from anywhere in your home. The Netatmo Weather Station is a “home coach” that monitors four elements of your home’s environment, including air quality, humidity, nose level, and temperature.

While home tech gadgets might not immediately seem like wellness products, they help give you peace of mind while giving you more time in your day to focus on you.

Chromotherapy Devices

Color light therapy, or chromotherapy, is the practice of using colors to correct imbalances in the body. Each color aids in healing a different physical, emotional, or mental aspect of your life. This practice is typically seen in spas, but can easily be incorporated into your everyday life with light therapy gadgets. Turn your shower into a relaxing chromotherapy oasis with a color light therapy shower head, or improve your skin care regimen with a rejuvenating chromotherapy face mask that can help target specific skin issues on your face.

Similarly to halotherapy, chromotherapy is a wonderful addition to infrared heat therapy in a sauna and can help boost the sauna health benefits even further.

Whether you’re just getting into the wellness and health technology space or are trying to find new ways to improve your health game, these eight health gadgets can get you on the right track. Health technology continues to grow and make our lives easier by allowing us to monitor our health and wellness at our fingertips. Treat yourself to some new health gadgets and wellness products to continue living a happy and healthy life!