Infrared Saunas and Age: Is There an Age Limit for Saunas?

You’re never too young or too old to reap the powerful benefits of infrared saunas. Or are you? While many people are enthusiastic about using infrared saunas for their science-proven benefits to overall wellbeing, are there age barriers to consider when it comes to sauna use? Our comprehensive guide explores the advantages different age groups can find in a sauna session. Younger and older adults alike can achieve their health goals with the support of this technology. We will also touch on considerations to keep in mind at every stage of life to help you decide whether sauna use is right for you. 

Explore our guide below to better understand the correlation between safe sauna use and age.


Older Couple Sitting in Infrared Sauna


Age Limit Precautions


Infrared sauna technology can help you optimize your health and wellness, but is it suitable for all ages? 

While there aren’t specific age limits for infrared saunas, there are certain considerations one needs to have before getting in. The overall state of your health is important to consider. Medical conditions such as chronic illnesses, sickness, and physical capabilities are big factors to determine the safety of sauna use. While saunas can be used with some conditions, it is always best to consult your doctor if you are hesitant about your health status. Overall personal comfort also plays a big role during this consideration stage. 

Though there aren’t detailed age specifications when it comes to infrared sauna use, there are some general guidelines to follow. Children and elders, in particular, may need to be more cautious of saunas, especially if they don’t find themselves in an optimal health state. While these individuals may not be good candidates for sauna use, most healthy adults can safely use them.


Children and Sauna Use

Sauna use is unfortunately not recommended for young children. Health experts recommend children under the age of 12 avoid using saunas altogether. Given that children’s bodies are still in their developing stage, it may be more difficult for their body to regulate body temperature. This makes them prone to have higher risk of dehydration and heat exhaustion. Overall, children are not good candidates for sauna use. 

Note, children should never be left unattended near saunas as leaving a young infant near high temperatures of heat can cause danger to the child’s safety.


Elderly and Sauna Use

Elders may also need to be cautious about sauna usage. Specifically if they have existing health conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes. Though saunas can aid to strengthen cardiovascular health and reduce blood pressure in healthy individuals, elders may experience different effects. Consulting a trusted health professional may be best for elders considering sauna use. Because certain health conditions may weaken the body’s ability to regulate body temperature, sauna use may exacerbate symptoms. Additionally, it may be best to avoid saunas when taking some prescribed medications. All in all, it is best to be safe when it comes to saunas and speak to your doctor before usage.


Younger and Older Friends in Infrared Sauna


Who Should Use Saunas?


Now that you know what age groups may have higher risks when using saunas you may be wondering, who can use saunas? Any healthy adult looking to boost their health and wellness game is welcome to utilize the sauna! They are a wellness tool that is sure to leave you feeling more relaxed, detoxified, and healthy. Find out about the sweeping benefits that saunas can have on different ages. Here are some of the unique healing advantages infrared saunas can have on young adults and older adults. 


Benefits of Infrared Sauna Use for Younger Adults


  • Skin Health: Young adults struggling with hormonal acne prone skin can see great improvement of the skin by sitting in a sauna. The heat and steam from the sauna helps open the pores and increase circulation, leaving you with a more radiant complexion. This process helps detoxify the body of all impurities. 
  • Mental Health: The mental health benefits of sauna use may be most helpful for young adults dealing with depression or anxiety. While early adulthood can be stress inducing, infrared saunas provide a solution to reduce stress and promote relaxation. While dealing with stress, be it from work or school, saunas provide an outlet to relax and even get into a meditative state.
  • Muscle Recovery: While young adults may partake in more physical activities such as sports or working out, focusing on post-exercise recovery is key. Those living more active lifestyles can reap the benefits for muscle recovery that saunas offer. Reduce your recovery time and muscle soreness by adding this simple step to your fitness routine.


Benefits of Infrared Sauna Use for Older Adults


  • Improved Circulation: Older adults with more sedentary lifestyles can see great benefits from saunas that help with circulation. Those dealing with circulatory issues, joint pain, and many other conditions, can benefit from infrared saunas.
  • Pain Relief: Those dealing with chronic pain such as arthritis will love infrared saunas. Older adults looking to reduce inflammation in their body can feel a reduction of pain from a sauna session.
  • Cardiovascular Health: Infrared saunas are amazing for the heart! Those in need of boosting this cardiovascular health can see benefits in using a sauna because it increases the heart rate while lowering blood pressure.

Overall, infrared sauna use can be beneficial for most ages, especially healthy adults. However, always check with a doctor before using an infrared sauna if you have specific health concerns or preexisting conditions. Additionally, there are some precautions you can take to make your experience better and safer. 


Young Adult Safely Using Infrared Sauna


Sauna Use Safety at Any Age


No matter what age group, it is always imperative you practice safe sauna use. There are many ways to use saunas in a controlled and cautious manner. Here are some of our top recommendations: 

  • Always check the temperature of the sauna before stepping in and ensure it is at a safe and comfortable temperature for you. 
  • Stay hydrated! You do not want to risk getting dehydrated during a sauna session. Make sure to drink water before, during and after.
  • Do not overuse the sauna. Limit sessions to 20-30 minutes to avoid overheating. If you are a beginner sauna user, you can start as low as 5 minutes at a time.


In short, while there aren’t any strict age restrictions for sauna users, certain age groups may need to exercise more caution than others, especially children and elders. Additionally, those with preexisting health conditions and concerns should always consult a trusted health care provider before using a sauna. However, most healthy adults can get to experience the healing powers of infrared sauna technology. Remember to always prioritize comfort and safety when using an infrared sauna, no matter what age. 

Should You Use a Sauna Every Day? How Often to Use a Sauna

Everyone from celebrities and pro athletes to mothers of 3 are seeking refuge in the benefits of infrared saunas. And with good reason. By simply sitting in a hot room for about 10 minutes, saunas can provide incredible health benefits with regular use. With pollution increasing in our city’s atmospheres and the stress of our hectic lifestyle, there are many reasons why to turn to the relaxing and detoxifying uses of infrared saunas. 

One of the great things about infrared saunas is that they can easily be incorporated into your regular health regimen. But should you use one every day? And for how long? Learn more about how often it is safe to use an infrared sauna, and why you should implement it into your wellness routine.

Woman Using Infrared Sauna for Daily Health Routine

Why Infrared Saunas?

People love infrared saunas for relaxation, but did you know that you can unwind while improving your overall health and wellness? Here are some of the many health benefits infrared saunas are known for: 

Boost Your Immune System 

Infrared saunas raise your core body temperature into a sort of “artificial” fever, which may help enhance your immune system as it alerts the body’s immune response and triggers your mechanism to naturally strengthen. This response combined with improved elimination of toxins through intense sweating strengthens your body overall and helps you fight off potential threats such as diseases. Time in infrared saunas can raise your body temperature from 1 to up to 3 degrees, helping your body naturally build a stronger immune system.

Improve Heart Function 

Train your cardiovascular system while you sit back and relax! As your body begins to sweat, your heart works harder to pump blood, boosting circulation. The entire cardiovascular system is actively training during a session of infrared sauna, increasing the person’s heart rate. Studies have shown, the frequent use of saunas improves heart function in people with heart failure. A journal by the American Medical Association also suggests regular use of sauna shares similar benefits on the cardiovascular system as running. Frequent sauna bathing can even help reduce your risk of stroke

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Sauna bathing is popularly known for supporting weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. Through increasing sweat production, heart rate, and circulation, your body’s metabolism is active and primed to burn more calories over time. While it isn’t going to be a quick weight loss solution, using an infrared sauna for 30 minutes may help you burn an additional 45 calories, which can add up easily with regular sauna use. Infrared saunas also help promote reduced stress, better sleep, detoxification, and better lipid regulation for improved metabolism.

Woman Sweating in Infrared Sauna for Health RoutineDetoxify Your Whole System

It’s important to detoxify your body of built-up toxins. Consistent infrared sauna use is an effective way to shed accumulated toxic chemicals and heavy metals (such as lead and mercury) through sweating. The liver and kidneys then take over removing this toxic waste to leave the body purified and clean. In turn, this boosts and stimulates the entire metabolism. This detoxification can also help your body recover during sickness, hangovers, or even help with the process of quitting smoking.

Relax Your Body

Probably one of the most known and obvious benefits of saunas is their relaxing nature. Sitting in a hot room with a bathrobe after a long, stressful day is one of the best ways to unwind and relax your whole body. On top of that, infrared saunas can help improve sleep and reduce blood pressure. The daily ritual of sauna use can be implemented into any self-care routine. It’s the perfect excuse to have “me time” to meditate, breathe, and recenter yourself. You can also add sound therapy, chromotherapy, and aromatherapy to add extra touches of relaxation.

Relieve Pain

Saunas are an optimal way to relax muscle tissue and relieve pain. The increase in blood flow aids in post-exercise muscle recovery and eases joint stiffness providing a greater range of motion and improved flexibility. Far infrared sauna heat increases the thermal energy of your muscles which may also relieve tension. Sauna use could also provide temporary arthritis relief. Regular sauna use can help ease aches and pains from the day and provide relief from long-term conditions.

Improve Your Skin’s Appearance

It’s true, people do look like they are glowing from the inside out after a sauna sesh. Due to the increased localized blood circulation of infrared light therapy, saunas can be an effective way to temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite. Sauna use also opens clogged pores allowing impurities to exit the body, while dead skin cells shed off. You can also pair your sauna session with red light therapy to help with skin conditions and minor wound healing, and salt therapy to help with relief for rashes and dry skin.

Woman Relaxing in Infrared Sauna During Daily Routine

Is it Safe to Use Saunas Every Day?

Whether it’s at the end of a workout, a spa treatment, a massage, or just after a tiring day, time in the sauna can be a part of anyone’s regular health routine. Aside from it being a pleasantly soothing experience every visit, all of the health and wellness benefits that saunas provide have longer-lasting effects when used regularly. But should you use one every day? The answer is, if you can, yes! 

To achieve optimal use of a sauna, you should use it at least once a week, but the more often you use it, the more improvements you will experience. Studies show it is perfectly safe to use saunas every day, just being mindful to stay hydrated during your sessions. Though daily sauna use is not harmful, prolonged single sauna sessions can increase the risk of dehydration.

How Long Should You Stay in the Sauna? 

It is easy to know how much time in the sauna is too much time. Just stay in for as long as it feels good. Once your body starts feeling hot enough, that’s a good time to walk out. Expert sauna bathers agree, starting small is best when it comes to time in the sauna. Follow these tips if you need time guidelines:

  • Beginners should start out spending no more than 5 to 10 minutes at a time.
  • After a few sessions, you can try to stay in the sauna for about 15 minutes. 
  • At maximum do not exceed more than 20 minutes in one session

Using saunas consistently and for a longer period of time is associated with a number of health benefits, including reduced stress, better sleep, healthy weight management, improved appearance of skin, and even long-term health benefits such as reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, enhanced immune system, and relief from chronic pain. Because of these benefits, incorporating sauna sessions into your everyday healthcare routine is a great way to live a healthy life and feel the future benefits!

What’s Your Infrared Sauna Personality?

Infrared saunas are perfect for a number of situations and people. With innovative technology and design, along with a plethora of infrared sauna health benefits, sauna uses can be personalized for almost any need. Some want to use infrared saunas for recovery and optimizing health benefits while others are looking to have a bit of relaxing time to themselves. Which type of infrared sauna user are you? From the biohackers to the trend setters, read on to see what your infrared sauna personality is!


Health-Conscious Couple Using Infrared Sauna


The Health-Conscious


You like living life in the healthiest way possible, and use all the tools available to help boost your overall wellness. With so many things on the market, from supplements to fancy workout gear, it can be easy to get lost in the number of options. Luckily, your infrared sauna helps keep your health regimen easy. With so many health benefits in just one session, you can accomplish a lot at one time – and with lasting results. In your sauna health haven, you get to experience it all: weight loss, boosted metabolism, temporary muscle pain relief, better sleep, detoxification, reduced cellulite, eased joint pain and stiffness, stress and fatigue relief, improved skin, and so much more.


The Healer


You like when your body feels good and pain-free. As the healer, you are always looking for ways to help your body feel its best so you can enjoy life to the fullest. Whether you suffer from back pain, are sore after a workout, are recovering from a cold, or are trying to prevent future discomfort, your infrared sauna is one of the best tools to tackle multiple things at once. Enhanced blood circulation from the heat and infrared technology penetrate deep into the body while sweating helps your body detoxify impurities. For an even more comprehensive healing experience, you enjoy the benefits of red light therapy and halotherapy as well.


The Yogi


You like stretching and moving your body with yoga, especially with the added help of heat during a hot yoga session. As the yogi, not only do you focus on your body, but you also focus on the importance of breathwork and mental clarity. In your infrared sauna for hot yoga, you spend your session doing a mix of deep stretches and meditation. The heat helps your muscles move a bit better and recover faster. You incorporate some sound therapy into your sessions with guided meditation, include aromatherapy to help you concentrate, and use chromotherapy to immerse yourself even more into the experience.


Muscular Man Using Infrared Sauna


The Fitness Buff


You like working out and are dedicated to getting your body in top shape. This includes hitting the gym, stretching, taking the right supplements, and healing properly so you can keep exercising. Your infrared sauna is an extension of your workout to help your body’s performance. Not only does an infrared sauna session feel nice on your muscles after an intense workout, it also helps increase blood circulation to your muscles to help with recovery and reduce pain. Using a sauna after a workout is also your secret trick to extending your health benefits, from additional calorie burn to the added detox benefits of sweating just a bit more.


The Biohacker


You like to optimize your body and mind, and are always on the lookout for new ways to help your body perform its best with biohacking. From supplements to functional music, you’ve tried it all. The infrared sauna isn’t just a tool for you, it’s part of your lifestyle. With health benefits like improved sleep, enhanced mood, boosted metabolism, and more, infrared sauna use is part of your daily routine. Better yet, you pair it with red light therapy and some meditation during your session to reap even more biohacking benefits at one time. What’s great about your infrared sauna is that in just one 20-minute session every day, you get lasting results for a healthy future.


The Innovator


You like to have all the cool, new innovations and gadgets and want to try them out as soon as they’re available. That doesn’t stop with saunas. What started as simple structures to heat the body in Finland as far back as 7000 BC have now developed into some of the most advanced health technology on the market. As the innovator, you appreciate the many sauna uses available today with all the added health benefits of new technology. Infrared technology, chromotherapy lights, halotherapy generators, vibration resonance therapy, and red light towers all make saunas today into examples of true innovation.


Woman Using Trendy Infrared Sauna with Red Light


The Trend-Setter


You like to set the trends in the health space and like being the first to experience what experts and influencers recommend. Saunas have been around for years, but infrared saunas really turn the dial up in terms of trendiness. Seen in luxurious spas and all over social media, you already have your infrared sauna picked out and outfitted with all the newest technology to be the first to have it. You enjoy sharing your trendy knowledge with your friends, and are somewhat of a health and wellness influencer yourself. The pictures you post of your sauna include zen spa moments, hot yoga, and aesthetic colors from your chromotherapy light.


The Relaxer


You like to take a step away from the hustle and bustle of life and have some time to relax when you can. Having “me time” is a priority for you to both center and connect with yourself. Your infrared sauna is part of your wellness routine and is your sanctuary. Not only do infrared sauna health benefits include improved sleep, better mood, and reduced stress, but they’re also the perfect spot to slow down for 20 minutes. Inside your sauna, you enjoy reading your favorite book, listening to calming music, meditating, using chromotherapy, and adding in some relaxing essential oils for a spa-like experience right in your home.


No matter what your sauna personality is, you’re sure to enjoy all the infrared sauna uses available! From the health-conscious and healing users who are looking for whole-body wellness to the trendy and relaxed users who want a spa day at home, infrared saunas are wonderful additions to your health routine and lifestyle.

How to Choose the Best Infrared Home Sauna for You

Are you looking to add a sauna to your home? Making the decision to buy a sauna is a great choice if you are interested in your health and wellness, and if you’d like a touch of luxury in your life without having to go to the gym or spa. Now that you’ve made the decision to buy a sauna, what goes into finding the best home sauna for you? Read on to find which considerations to factor in, from sauna size to which additions you’d like to include to truly make your sauna the best infrared home sauna for you.


Outdoor Sauna from Jacuzzi® Infrared Saunas


Things to Consider for the Best Home Sauna


Types of Saunas

There are two main types of sauna, traditional and infrared. Traditional saunas use high heat and steam to create a hot environment. Using this system requires more maintenance in the long run, as the wet-dry system has more opportunity for wear and bacteria collection if not cleaned properly. These saunas might be nice at a spa or gym when someone else maintains them, but in your home they might become quite tedious to care for.

Infrared saunas, on the other hand, use radiant heaters to warm the interior. These infrared systems require less energy to heat and penetrate the body, which makes the experience more comfortable and lowers your electric bill. There are plenty of health benefits with an infrared sauna that are more pronounced than when using a traditional sauna. For all these reasons, an infrared sauna is the best home sauna choice when it comes to your wellness and ease of use when in your house.


Home Sauna Construction

You can either build your own home sauna or purchase a pre-built model. A pre-built infrared sauna is a great option for people who want a simple installation. You still get all the bells and whistles of an infrared sauna, but without the planning! These saunas come in many sizes and can be placed anywhere inside or outside where there is a stable, flat surface and room for ventilation. Prebuilt saunas only require light assembly and are ready to go once you have them connected to a power source.

Building your own DIY infrared sauna is always exciting, as you can customize it to be exactly what fits your needs. These saunas take a higher level of planning, as they require careful calculations and measurements so they can fit seamlessly into your home. Building your own sauna is great for creating an at-home spa experience that perfectly fits your home decor. DIY saunas are more popularly done indoors and in bathrooms or pool houses.


Friends Enjoying Infrared Sauna Health Benefits


Home Sauna Size

Once you’ve decided on which type of home sauna to purchase, it’s time to decide which size is best for your needs. Consider the number of people who will be using the sauna at a time, how big of an area your space allows, and if the sauna will be used for any activities such as hot yoga.

For personal use, 1-2 person saunas may be ideal to save space and energy. Larger families will benefit from the space of a 4-5 person sauna models, but a single person will also enjoy the benefits of a large sauna for more room to spread out and make the sauna even more functional. Custom saunas typically range between 25 and 80 square feet, but can be designed to fit a much larger capacity. We recommend a sauna ceiling no higher than 7 feet to keep heat close to the occupants.


Home Sauna Placement

Choosing where to put your home sauna is an important decision – will it go indoors or outdoors? Outdoor saunas of course require an outdoor space. Choosing an outdoor sauna is perfect for those with backyards – especially if a pool is nearby for a quick dip after a sauna session. Things to take into consideration with an outdoor sauna include space, proximity to a power source, privacy, and potentially a structure to help protect the sauna exterior from natural elements.

Indoor infrared saunas are becoming increasingly popular as they provide luxury and health benefits right in the comfort of your own home. No matter where you live, you can likely make an indoor sauna fit in your space. From placing one in the corner of a small apartment to having an entire room dedicated to sauna use, choosing an indoor sauna allows for a range of options for everyone (and every space) to enjoy.


Couple Using Chromotherapy Light in Infrared Sauna


Accessories & Amenities

Finally, the last decision to make picking the best infrared sauna for your home is the fun part: choosing your accessories and amenities! Here, you can really customize your home sauna to your needs. The sauna health benefits in its base form are wonderful, but why not kick it up a notch with some upgrades for the ultimate personal sanctuary? Some of these upgrades include halotherapy (salt therapy) generators, chromotherapy lights, red light therapy towers, vibration resonance therapy (sound therapy) speakers, digital keypads with smartphone control, and audio sound systems.

These accessories and amenities offer a wealth of additional health benefits when added to your infrared sauna experience. Some of those additional health benefits include:

  • Chromotherapy: Improved mood, sleep, circulation, and skin health
  • Halotherapy: Improved respiratory, sleep, and skin health
  • Red Light Therapy: Improved weight loss, muscle recovery, mood, and detoxification
  • Sound Therapy: Improved emotional balance, stress management, and heart health


Getting an Infrared Sauna for Your Home


Investing in an infrared home sauna is also an investment in your health. Adding regular infrared sauna use to your daily wellness routine will give you lasting health benefits to help improve your filter. On top of the health benefits, having a home sauna is a nice added touch of luxury to your life! You can easily have a spa day at home, recover from a home workout, or meditate before bed in one convenient spot.

With a Clearlight infrared sauna, you are sure to have the highest-quality construction, features, health benefits, customer service, and more.

Gym vs Spa vs Home Sauna: The Best Type of Sauna for You

Depending on your end goal, where you use a sauna might have a bigger impact. If you are an athlete looking to recover after a workout, use your gym sauna. Looking to relax? The spa is where to go! And for all-around daily health, how about a home sauna? No matter where you have access to an infrared sauna, you’re sure to enjoy the benefits of incorporating sauna sessions into your health routine. Read on to see how best to enjoy a gym, spa, and home sauna and see which fits your needs best – it might be a combination of all three!


Man Using Gym Sauna After Workout


The Gym Sauna


How to Enjoy a Gym Sauna

Using a sauna at the gym is a wonderful way to boost your workout and remedy things such as muscle soreness, recovery time, fatigue, and performance. On top of post-workout recovery, gym saunas help boost your exercise health benefits as they can help you sweat, burn calories, keep your heart rate up, boost metabolism, and burn fat. If your gym has a sauna, don’t hesitate to use it as infrared saunas are the perfect companion for your workouts!

It is recommended to use the sauna after your workout and not before. A short sauna session before a workout can help loosen muscles and improve range of motion while also helping boost metabolism and heart rate. However, a pre-workout sauna session that lasts too long can make you and your muscles a little too relaxed, which can potentially lead to injury while exercising.

Whether you choose to use the sauna before or after your workout, the biggest thing to do is listen to your body! Your body will tell you if you’re spending too long in the gym sauna. Working out is already a strenuous activity on the body, and you don’t want to push the limits with prolonged heat therapy. Look out for signs such as dizziness, lightheadedness, and headaches, as they might be signs that you are dehydrated or overheating. Always make sure you have your water on hand to hydrate after your workout and sauna sessions.


Gym Sauna Etiquette

  1. Shower before entering
  2. Adhere to clothing rules
  3. Don’t bring in sweaty gym items
  4. Be aware of your time or space
  5. Put your electronics in your locker
  6. Keep your workouts outside of the sauna


Woman Using Spa Sauna to Relax


The Spa Sauna


How to Enjoy a Spa Sauna

Using a sauna at the spa helps you have a perfectly relaxing and rejuvenating spa day. Many spas offer free sauna access to use during the day of your appointment and it is open to use before, between, and after your spa treatments. If you’re already at the spa, you’re likely already getting some bodywork done such as a massage, body scrub, or facial. The spa sauna can really help enhance these services.

If you are getting a massage, using a sauna before your treatment can help relax your muscles, making it easier to work any areas that might be too tense or painful to massage otherwise. Using a sauna prior to your massage can also help you get in a relaxed mindset that can help you enjoy your massage even more. Sometimes, however, there isn’t time before your appointment to hit the sauna. That’s totally okay! Even relaxing in a spa sauna after your treatment can help prolong your relaxed state. And whether you’re enjoying the sauna before or after your massage, both approaches help your muscles recover faster after intense muscle work.

Using a spa sauna when you have a skin-related treatment is a little more restrictive, but you can still incorporate it into your spa day. Saunas help improve skin by sweating out impurities and increasing blood flow. Always use a sauna before one of these treatments to avoid skin irritation as skin treatments typically already come with intense exfoliants and heat. You also don’t want to sweat off any of the products used! If you do use a spa sauna before your skin treatment, keep the session short to allow your skin to cool down before your appointment.


Spa Sauna Etiquette

  1. Shower before entering
  2. Adhere to clothing rules
  3. Be quiet for other guests
  4. Don’t bring in electronics
  5. Keep track of appointment times
  6. Shower after to prepare for treatment


Couple Using Outdoor Infrared Sauna at Home


The Home Sauna


How to Enjoy a Home Sauna

Enjoying a home sauna is a wonderful way to experience health benefits daily! While having your own home sauna might seem like a luxury, it is a great investment for your overall health and can be easily added to your routine. While gym and spa saunas certainly have their merits, having a sauna at home allows you to sweat it out whenever and however you want. Take up as much space as you want, wear whatever you want, listen to music if you want – cater your sauna experience to you. From using it after a workout to enjoying a session before bed to help you relax and sleep, you get all the benefits of a spa and gym sauna right at home.

One of the biggest things to consider when finding the best home sauna for you is space. Luckily, there are a number of infrared sauna sizes available to find the perfect fit. If you are in a smaller space, perhaps a 1-person sauna is the way to go for your private zen getaway. If you’re looking for more space to fit your family and friends, or just a sauna where you can stretch and do hot yoga on your own, a 4- or 5-person sauna would be perfect for your needs. If doing a solo session or having company, you’ll reap the sauna health benefits regardless of size.

Having a home sauna means having a little bit more responsibility than using a spa or gym sauna. To ensure you have prolonged enjoyment of your sauna at home, be sure to clean it regularly and practice proper sauna maintenance. The more you keep up with your home sauna’s health, the longer you’ll be able to boost your health!


Home Sauna Etiquette

  1. Shower before entering
  2. Bring a towel
  3. Clean the sauna after using
  4. Keep up regular maintenance


No matter where you use a sauna, you’ll experience some great health benefits. From muscle recovery at the gym, total relaxation at the spa, or simply with casual everyday use at home, incorporating regular sauna sessions can help you achieve your health goals while providing a place to unwind. Use the tips above to find the best type of sauna for you.

Infrared Sauna vs. Steam Room: The Hot Debate Debunked


It may be difficult to discern the differences between an infrared sauna vs. steam room when deciding which option is best for your specific needs. To help you better understand how infrared saunas and steam rooms compare, it’s important to gain a general understanding of the mechanics and individual benefits of both.

An infrared sauna is a wood-based room that heats the user directly with infrared rays that penetrate the body. A steam room is an airtight room of non-porous material that heats the environment with a steam generator. Infrared saunas produce dry heat, whereas steam rooms create moist heat.

Both infrared saunas and steam rooms boast plenty of therapeutic and wellness benefits such as detoxification, relaxation, and weight loss, among others. However, their benefits differ due to their unique heating methods. Here’s all the information you need to decide which makes sense for you.


Woman Using Clearlight Infrared Sauna


What is an Infrared Sauna?


An infrared sauna is a wood-based room that warms the body through infrared rays as opposed to extremely high temperatures or moisture. These infrared rays, which are similar to the rays our bodies give off naturally, penetrate deep into the body (approximately 1 ½ inches) and heat the body directly.

Because the infrared rays are warming from within, these saunas typically operate between 115-130 degrees Fahrenheit, much lower than traditional saunas that operate between 170–200 degrees Fahrenheit. Although the temperature is lower, the efficient nature of heating the body directly makes infrared saunas among the most beneficial options available.


Woman Using Steam Room for Health Benefits


What is a Steam Room?


A steam room is made of a non-porous material, such as glass or tile, and is an airtight room that warms the body through high heat and humidity. A steam generator boils water to make steam, creating a moisture-rich environment.

Average temperatures hover around 120 degrees Fahrenheit, although it may feel much hotter due to humidity levels that can reach up to 100 percent. As opposed to infrared saunas which heat the user directly, steam rooms heat the outside environment, warming the user from the outside in.


Health Benefits of an Infrared Sauna vs. Steam Room


Although both steam rooms and infrared saunas offer a range of excellent health benefits, they do vary by product. The difference in benefits stems from the contrasting heat methods used, as described above. Both saunas and steam rooms use thermotherapy, or heat therapy, to help the body boost performance. Each method has its benefits, and using them together can be a great addition to your health and wellness routine, but one method might be better for your needs than the other.

Read on to learn more about the primary health benefits of an infrared sauna vs. steam room and find out which is best for you.


Friends Enjoying Infrared Sauna Health Benefits


Infrared Sauna Health Benefits


An infrared sauna emits infrared heat to create a warm and relaxing environment. According to Dr. Amy Myers, M.D., of mindbodygreen, this helps improve circulation and alleviates pain. Due to the low humidity and modest air temperature, infrared sauna health benefits include detoxification, pain relief, relaxation, weight loss, and more.

Watch more about the health benefits of a sauna »


Concentrated Detoxification

Far infrared saunas promote more sweating than a steam room. As the infrared rays penetrate deep into the body, they increase blood flow, break up water molecule clusters, and promote the release of harmful toxins not typically released in a steam room. According to Dr. Brian Clement, medical director of the Hippocrates Health Institute, “It heats your tissues several inches deep, which can enhance your metabolic processes. It also enhances circulation and helps oxygenate your tissues.”

Download Dr. Raleigh Duncan’s Total Wellness Ebook on how to detoxify your body and more »


Weight Loss and Decrease in Cellulite

Users of far infrared sauna technology can experience a noticeable decrease in weight and cellulite appearance with average use. The weight loss is often due to the efficient heating nature of the sauna, removal of toxins through increased perspiration, and a rise in metabolic rates, which can help burn an extra 300+ calories an hour. Using a sauna after working out can also help boost effectiveness and increase calorie burn after exercising, which aid in weight loss.


Comfortable Use

The lower temperature of infrared saunas compared to steam rooms tends to be easier on the body during prolonged use. For users who may have eye or lung issues, including difficulty breathing in high humidity and heat, they may want to opt for an infrared sauna to ensure an enjoyable and beneficial experience. Infrared saunas can also be made more comfortable with the addition of other therapies, such as halotherapy, aromatherapy, sound therapy, red light therapy, and chromotherapy.


Men Sitting in Steam Room for Health Benefits


Steam Room Health Benefits


Steam rooms create an environment that is rich with heat and high humidity, ideal for realizing an array of health-related benefits. The high moisture air found in a steam room offers users benefits and an experience distinct from infrared saunas.


Respiratory Relief

Steam room users may experience relief from respiratory issues such as allergies, sinusitis, and cold symptoms. The moist air can open the sinuses and nasal passages, allowing for clearer breathing.


Hydration of the Skin

People with blemish-prone skin may find that the moisture-rich air of a steam room can help balance oil production leading to clearer skin. Users with dry skin may experience more hydrated skin after regular use of a steam room.


Better Sleep

Once you step out of your steam room, your body must begin working to cool your body. The relaxing properties of a steam room session, combined with your body’s efforts to lower the internal temperature can promote a great night’s sleep – particularly in the REM sleep cycle stage. You will also get this same benefit with an infrared sauna.


Sauna Color Light Therapy in Action


What to Consider When Purchasing


When deciding which option is best, take note of a few characteristics inherent to infrared saunas and steam rooms to determine which is best for an individual, household, or business.


Infrared Sauna Considerations

Infrared saunas can be a relatively simple addition to a home. They do not require strict insulation to keep high heat levels in the room, so they are lighter and easier to transport. Infrared saunas also come in a number of sizes, making them the perfect fit in any space whether you are looking for a 1-person, 2-person, 3-person, or even 4- to 5-person sauna.

Typically, these saunas can be put together within an hour on your own – without professional installation needed. Most can plug into an existing outlet and are very energy efficient using about 1/3 of the electrical as compared to a traditional sauna. On top of easy installation, infrared saunas require easy maintenance and care to keep them looking and operating brand-new for years to come.

All Clearlight® sauna models come with iOS/Android smartphone control, medical-grade chromotherapy technology, a built-in charging and audio station, and True Wave™ carbon/ceramic far infrared heating technology. If you want to upgrade your sauna experience, you can incorporate additional amenities that will help increase your comfort, health benefits, and overall enjoyment of your infrared sauna. These sauna upgrades include red light therapy, salt therapy, and vibration resonance therapy.


Steam Room Considerations

Much like an infrared sauna, steam rooms can be purchased as a kit for individuals to put together on their own or they can be custom made and installed by a contractor. Steam rooms do have particular plumbing and electrical requirements. They require a steam generator purchase that should be specially installed in a safe location to reduce the chances of a burn.

An airtight space and sloped ceilings for adequate drippage are also needed as well as an area that can accommodate a drain. Bacterial growth is possible due to the moist conditions of the steam room. For this reason, make sure to clean your steam room regularly with tile cleaner and drain periodically.


Deciding What’s Right for You


Both infrared saunas and steam rooms can deliver much-needed health benefits for individuals and families. These rooms can ease stress, increase relaxation, and improve overall health and happiness. Simply put, they can be a valuable component of one’s home and lifestyle.


Before purchasing an infrared sauna or steam room, take the time to consider you and your family’s specific needs in addition to reviewing the facts. Where will this new addition reside in your home? What is your current state of health, and what are your future health and wellness goals? Would you prefer to install it or will you require a contractor to do the heavy lifting? Asking these questions ahead of time can help you decide between an infrared sauna vs. steam room for your unique needs.

Not Just an Infrared Sauna, it’s a Clearlight Sauna®

When you buy a Clearlight Sauna®, you’re buying more than just an infrared sauna, you are buying an entire health and wellness experience. There are specific aesthetic, technical, and service advantages that make a Clearlight a Clearlight. From expert design to unique features, we take great pride in providing more than just an average sauna experience. Read on to learn more about what makes a Clearlight Sauna® stand out against the rest.

Friends Enjoying Infrared Sauna Health Benefits

Doctor-Designed and Recommended


All Clearlight Sauna® models are not just made with high quality and craftsmanship, but with the knowledge and experience brought by Dr. Raleigh Duncan. With many years of experience as a Doctor of Chiropractic and research into infrared therapy, Dr. Duncan’s knowledge and expertise can be felt in every model. Our proprietary True Wave™ far infrared and full spectrum infrared sauna heaters were designed, tested and approved by Dr. Duncan.

In addition to the design and endorsement from Dr. Raleigh Duncan, Clearlight Infrared Saunas are also recommended by a number of trusted doctors and experts, including Deepak Chopra, Dr. Sara Gottfried, Dr. Brian Clement, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, and many more. Clearlight Saunas also have Class I Medical Device Licensing in Canada


True Wave™ Carbon/Ceramic Heating Technology


As a leader and innovator in the infrared sauna industry for over 20 years, we have been manufacturing infrared saunas that are both luxurious and effective. While our cabins are exceptional quality, the therapeutic benefits of infrared heat are our main focus. Our research and development department has developed the ONLY combination Carbon/Ceramic far infrared heater to ensure you have the best infrared sauna experience on the market. Clearlight True Wave™ Far Infrared Heaters combine carbon and ceramic to produce healing infrared heat that is unmatched.

The carbon in our heaters allows the heater to produce long wave far infrared heat. This long wave infrared heat penetrates deeper into your body and the infrared heat is more readily absorbed. The ceramic in our heaters gives them a very high infrared output when compared to traditional carbon heaters so we can concentrate the heat directly onto your body.


Strategic Infrared Heat Emitter Placement


Heater placement in an infrared sauna can make or break a sauna experience. Many saunas on the market have poorly-placed heaters, which causes uneven heat distribution, hot spots, wasted heat, and lost health benefits. Clearlight Saunas® change the game with the positioning of our infrared heating emitters completely “Surround You in Wellness” with healing infrared heat from all angles.

Our infrared heat emitters aim directly at your core for maximum infrared penetration and absorption – to raise your core body and give you a wellness experience second to none. Heaters are aimed directly at the back, sides, behind the claves, front, as placement above the head is unnecessary. The strategic placement of infrared heat allows for optimal heat distribution and comfort.

Woman Using Clearlight® Infrared Sauna for Better Sleep

Low EMF/ELF Emitters


Our True Wave™ far infrared and full spectrum infrared heaters are the best in the industry and are the most effective and safest infrared heaters available. Clearlight® saunas are one of the only infrared saunas with the electrical wiring run through metal conduit. This shields both the ELF and EMF to ensure that your sauna is the safest available. Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) are energy waves with frequencies below 300 hertz or cycles per second.  Extremely low frequency (ELF) are the electric fields with frequencies from 3 to 30 hertz.

As the pioneer of low EMF carbon infrared sauna heaters, our patent-pending infrared heater technology reduces EMF levels where you are sitting in the sauna to virtually zero. Our exclusive manufacturing process allows us to cancel out EMF to levels that are virtually undetectable. In addition, when testing Clearlight Saunas® with our low-ELF technology, users test as low as 200 mV – five times below the threshold of concern.


High-Quality Construction and Craftsmanship


From the wood press in our factory to the final stages of packaging, Clearlight® infrared saunas are beautifully crafted and built to last. We start with the highest-grade materials and adhere to the highest standards of design, manufacturing, and assembly. Each cabin is engineered proportionately with the right amount of eco-certified wood – either Grade “A” Clear Western Red Canadian Cedar or hypoallergenic Basswood.

We ensure that nothing goes to waste and reinforce each cabin structure with lightweight metal in the wood walls to add rigidity, rather than excess weight. Additionally, each sauna is rigorously tested and certified for product safety. Clearlight Saunas® are stronger. Not Heavier. Given today’s advancements in manufacturing, smaller amounts of material evenly distributed can yield stronger structures by applying smarter design processes:


Applied Engineering

  • Material measurements
  • 3-D structural analysis
  • Computer modeling to test loads and forces


Quality Construction

  • Material selection
  • Refined craftsmanship
  • 4-stage quality control


Practical Benefits

  • Less environmental impact
  • Easier cabins to lift and install
  • Safer structure

Unique Add-Ons and Features


Clearlight Sauna® Chromotherapy

Your home sauna from Clearlight has chromotherapy lights built in to help you reap all the benefits of color therapy. Chromotherapy, also called color light therapy, is the process of restoring balance to the body by applying color. Color light therapy relies on the premise that each color is associated with a different bodily response. For example, red is typically associated with stimulation, while blue is considered a mentally relaxing color.

Color light therapy has been reported to temporarily reduce swelling, relieve pain, decrease inflammation, accelerate open wound healing and greatly reduce overall recovery after medical and surgical procedures. When paired with a healthy lifestyle, chromotherapy patients have demonstrated increased range of motion, decreased muscle tension and spasm, and improved circulation.


Clearlight® Light Therapy

Clearlight Saunas® use powerful dual-optic technology that combines red light and near infrared technology. Red light therapy works by using red low-level wavelengths of light to produce a biochemical effect in cells by penetrating approximately 5 millimeters below the skin’s surface. This effect helps strengthen the mitochondria and increase cell energy to improve performance of cells. Red light is considered “low level” because it works at an energy density that’s low compared to other forms of laser therapies.

The light from near infrared LEDs has been shown to bring energy to cells, reduce pain, increase collagen and elastin production in skin cells, speed up the wound healing process, reduce inflammation and provide numerous anti-aging benefits. To use red light therapy with your sauna at home, you can attach a Clearlight® Light Therapy tower to the door of your sauna.


Vibration Resonance Therapy (VRT)

This additional therapy combines the healing effects of sound and vibration to soothe all systems of the body to bring you to a deeper state of relaxation. In your sauna, the vibration resonance therapy (VRT) modules attach to the bottom of the sauna bench and use an amplified audio signal to resonate sound waves to the surface of the sauna.

Clearlight Saunas® use VRT to allow the sounds and vibrations resonate throughout the body and stimulate the body’s natural relaxation response. Including vibration resonance therapy in your home sauna sessions enhances the rejuvenating properties of infrared therapy. Think of it as a light touch massage for your body and mind during your sauna session.

Salt therapy

Award-winning HALOONE™ Halotherapy

The HALOONE™ is a halotherapy device designed to provide salt therapy in many areas, including use in Clearlight infrared saunas. Its portability enables use by both home users as well as wellness clinic owners by removing the need for investment in large infrastructure like salt rooms. The HALOONE™ is the only halotherapy device that offers a vapor salt therapy system with the full spectrum of salt particle sizes from 1-10 microns. This combined with intuitive usage and smart design designate it as a superior salt therapy solution.

The HALOONE™ has won the Good Design Award 2020, which recognizes various products, including industrial goods, architecture, software, systems, and services, and evaluates design and quality. It has also won the German Design Award, where expert committees on the German Design Council honor products that stand out from the competition in regard to design excellence.


Clearlight® UV Disinfectant Wand

Harmful germs and bacteria are everywhere. Now more than ever it’s important to ensure that the space around us is healthy and safe. Sterilizing hand gels, disinfectant sprays and sanitizing wipes are not enough to ensure a healthy environment. Many bacteria and viruses are heat, cold and drug resistant, but they are not resistant to Ultraviolet light (UV). It is widely accepted that it is not necessary to kill pathogens with UV light, but rather apply enough UV light to prevent the organism from replicating.

Emitting both UV-C and UV-A, the Clearlight® UV Wand damages the DNA and RNA in bacteria and viruses rendering them harmless. Using high powered LEDs, the UV Wand allows you to disinfect up to 10x faster than most fluorescent UV devices and the Clearlight® UV Wand is up to 2x more powerful than other LED UV devices.


Exclusive Clearlight Sauna® Lifetime Warranty for Home Use 


Your Clearlight® sauna comes with another exclusive – the Clearlight Infrared® Limited Lifetime Warranty for residential use. Few other companies can offer this type of warranty because no one builds saunas like Clearlight Infrared®. Our True Wave™ infrared emitters have an estimated operational life of 30,000 hours. Using your sauna 5 times per week your True Wave­­™ heaters can last up to 125 years.

In the rare event that you might have an issue with your sauna, our limited lifetime warranty covers the entire sauna – heaters, controls, electrical, and wood. Even the included audio system is included. You will never have to worry if anything should go wrong with your Clearlight® sauna. If you are using your sauna in a commercial location, you are still covered under our 5-year warranty.


The Advantages of Buying a Clearlight Sauna®


Buying a Clearlight Sauna® is more than just purchasing a sauna – it’s an investment in your health and wellness. Over the years, we have dedicated an immense amount of research and care to design the best infrared technology available. Each element is strategically planned to help you surround you in wellness. Join the Clearlight® sauna family today and see for yourself what makes a Clearlight a Clearlight!

Learn How to Get the Most Out of a Sauna at Home

Sure, you know how to sit in a sauna, but do you know how to do it like a pro? There are plenty of opportunities to take your home sauna to the next level and truly create a sanctuary at home. From using enhancements like aromatherapy and halotherapy to general sauna safety tips, read on to learn how to get the most of a sauna at home by making it a truly incredible sauna experience.

Sauna Color Light Therapy in Action

How to Use a Home Sauna: Tips & Safety

Home Sauna Tips

We recommend using your Clearlight® infrared sauna as follows: Turn your sauna on with the thermostat at its highest setting. Warm your sauna up for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes or so, get in your sauna and set the duration of your session (20-45 minutes is recommended). By the end of your sauna session, the internal temperature will be between 115° – 125°F. Remember, it is not the air temperature that is doing the healing; it’s the infrared being absorbed by your body. This will raise your core body temperature causing you to sweat. And sweat you will, so please remember to drink a lot of water!

  • Place your sauna near a shower or pool for easy access.
  • Bring a towel to sit on for comfort and cleanliness.
  • Take a shower before and after your sauna session.
  • Block off uninterrupted sauna time so you can fully relax.


Home Sauna Safety

  • Keep water nearby to stay hydrated.
  • Don’t use a sauna if pregnant.
  • End your sauna session if you begin to feel lightheaded.


If you have a sauna at home, you are already on the right path toward wellness! But now that you’ve learned how to get the most out of a sauna, you are about to experience a whole new approach to your sauna sessions with increased health benefits. If you are considering buying a sauna, take these tips into consideration so you can design your ultimate sauna experience.

How to Get the Most Out a Sauna with Activities


Hot Yoga

As the name implies, hot yoga is the practice of yoga in a heated setting. Hot yoga sessions are typically more vigorous and intense than the average yoga practice. Many use hot yoga as a way to connect with their body physically, mentally, or spiritually. Both infrared saunas and hot yoga offer the health benefits of detoxification, weight loss, flexibility, and reduced stress. Doing hot yoga in a sauna is the perfect scenario!



A home sauna creates the perfect environment for you to disconnect from everyday life and connect with yourself instead. Taking just 10 minutes of your day to meditate in your sauna can help significantly reduce your stress. On top of meditation, breathing exercises can help bring you to a state of mindfulness and concentration, which can help you push through the heat sauna session and get comfortable.

How to Get the Most Out a Sauna with Enhancements


Chromotherapy, also called color light therapy, is the process of restoring balance to the body by applying color. Color light therapy relies on the premise that each color is associated with a different bodily response. For example, red is typically associated with stimulation, while blue is considered a mentally relaxing color.

Color light therapy has been reported to temporarily reduce swelling, relieve pain, decrease inflammation, accelerate open wound healing and greatly reduce overall recovery after medical and surgical procedures. When paired with a healthy lifestyle, chromotherapy patients have demonstrated increased range of motion, decreased muscle tension and spasm, and improved circulation. Your home sauna from Clearlight has chromotherapy lights built in to help you reap all the benefits of color therapy.



The practice of salt therapy, or halotherapy, uses microsalt to promote a range of health benefits once inhaled. Many believe that when people inhale this salty air, it can help stimulate their respiratory system, reduce inflammation, fight infection, clear blockages and reduce discomfort.

The treatment is intended to recreate the atmosphere of salt caves with a high concentration of micronized salt in the air. One of the best solutions on the market is the Microsalt Halotherapy Generator that can be incorporated into your sauna and used to crush salt into microparticles that are easily inhaled. Creating your own salt sauna experience allows you to combine the powerful detoxifying properties of infrared therapy with the healing benefits of halotherapy.



Spending time in an infrared sauna is relaxing on its own, but you can enhance the experience even further by incorporating essential oils. It is important to note that essential oils are very strong and should be diluted or used with a carrier oil to avoid too much exposure. Ten of the best essential oils for sauna aromatherapy include birch, cinnamon, citrus, eucalyptus, frankincense, lavender, peppermint, pine, sandalwood, and tea tree oils.

Depending on your desired results, try mixing different essential oil combinations. Some simple combination ideas include citrus + peppermint for an energizing experience, pine + birch to go woodsy, and lavender + sandalwood for mental clarity and relaxation. Simply place a few drops of your favorite oil in a small container and place it in your home sauna to be heated and enjoy.


Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation, LED light therapy, and low level light therapy, works by using red low-level wavelengths of light to produce a biochemical effect in cells by penetrating approximately 5 millimeters below the skin’s surface. This effect helps strengthen the mitochondria and increase cell energy to improve performance of cells. Red light is considered “low level” because it works at an energy density that’s low compared to other forms of laser therapies.

The light from near infrared LEDs has been shown to bring energy to cells, reduce pain, increase collagen and elastin production in skin cells, speed up the wound healing process, reduce inflammation and provide numerous anti-aging benefits. To use red light therapy with your sauna at home, you can attach a Clearlight® Light Therapy tower to the door of your sauna.


Vibration Resonance Therapy

This additional therapy combines the healing effects of sound and vibration to soothe all systems of the body to bring you to a deeper state of relaxation. In your sauna, the vibration resonance therapy (VRT) modules attach to the bottom of the sauna bench and use an amplified audio signal to resonate sound waves to the surface of the sauna.

Listen to some soothing music while using VRT to really let the sounds and vibrations resonate throughout the body and stimulate the body’s natural relaxation response. Including vibration resonance therapy in your home sauna sessions enhances the rejuvenating properties of infrared therapy. Think of it as a light touch massage for your body and mind during your sauna session.

Woman in sauna

Getting a Home Sauna: Where to Put a Sauna in the House

Getting a sauna for your home is an exciting addition to your home health regimen. But before you can use it, you need to figure out the best place for it to go! Indoors or outdoors, large or small, DIY or prebuilt – there are a lot of considerations to think of when it comes to preparing for your home sauna! These tips below will help you determine the best spot in your home to enjoy your new sauna.

Sauna in bathroom

Why to Put a Sauna in the House


While many spas and gyms offer access to saunas, that access is unfortunately not always guaranteed. From saunas being too full with other users or spas and gyms simply being closed, there are a few things that might hold you back from using a public sauna. With a home sauna, however, you have total freedom in sweating whenever and however you want. Having a sauna in the house gives you the opportunity to have your very own health and wellness tool tailored to your needs.

Some home infrared sauna health benefits you can enjoy at any time include:

  • Weight Loss & Increased Metabolism
  • Temporary Muscle Pain Relief
  • Better Sleep
  • Detoxification
  • Decreased Appearance of Cellulite
  • Eased Joint Pain & Stiffness
  • Reduces Stress & Fatigue
  • Improved Skin Conditions

Along with the health benefits above, infrared sauna use has also been shown to help enhance workout performance, create an environment for mindfulness, and provide a sanctuary at home. Whether you’re considering a sauna in the house for on-demand spa days or for reaping the long-term benefits of daily use, a home sauna is sure to help you meet your health and wellness goals.

Outdoor Sauna from Jacuzzi® Infrared Saunas

Choosing the Right Home Sauna for You


Outdoor vs Indoor


Outdoor Sauna: Outdoor saunas of course require an outdoor space. Choosing an outdoor sauna is perfect for those with backyards – especially if a pool is nearby for a quick dip after a sauna session. Things to take into consideration with an outdoor sauna include space, proximity to a power source, privacy, and potentially a structure to help protect the sauna exterior from natural elements.

Indoor Sauna: Indoor infrared saunas are becoming increasingly popular as they provide luxury and health benefits right in the comfort of your own home. No matter where you live, you can likely make an indoor sauna fit in your space. From placing one in the corner of a small apartment to having an entire room dedicated to sauna use, choosing an indoor sauna allows for a range of options for everyone (and every space) to enjoy.


Large vs Small


Large Sauna: Large saunas are the epitome of luxury, but they do require extra space in your home. If you plan on having more than three users at a time or want extra space for activities like hot yoga, dedicate the extra space to have a home sauna of your dreams. Outdoor spaces typically lend themselves to more space for a large sauna, but you can also place one in your home if you have a large, open area.

Small Sauna: Small saunas are great for single-person use or areas tighter on space. The size of small saunas make them incredibly versatile, fitting in bedrooms, bathrooms, small yards, or anywhere else you desire. If you have a 4’ by 4’ space in your home, you can likely fit at least a one-person sauna. While smaller saunas don’t allow for group sessions or hot yoga, they still offer all the same health benefits as a large sauna.


Prebuilt vs Build-Your-Own


Prebuilt Sauna: A prebuilt sauna is a great option for people who want a simple installation. You still get all the bells and whistles of an infrared sauna, but without the planning! These saunas come in many sizes and can be placed anywhere inside or outside where there is a stable, flat surface and room for ventilation. Prebuilt saunas only require light assembly and are ready to go once you have them connected to a power source.

Build-Your-Own Sauna: Building your own DIY sauna is always exciting, as you can customize it to be exactly what fits your needs. These saunas take a higher level of planning, as they require careful calculations and measurements so they can fit seamlessly into your home. Building your own sauna is great for creating an at-home spa experience that perfectly fits your home decor. DIY saunas are more popularly done indoors and in bathrooms or pool houses.

Woman Using Infrared Sauna to Boost Immune System Naturally

Placement Considerations for a Home Sauna


Use the Right Flooring Materials

If building your own sauna, the most suitable floors are made of plastic, ceramic, exposed concrete, or stone. The floor should be sound and heat insulated. If, however, you decide to use a premade home sauna, the flooring is already designed with premium cedar or North American basswood that hold up to regular infrared sauna use. Premade saunas can be placed on nearly any surface as long as it is level and sturdy.


Try to Place Near a Shower or Pool

Traditionally, people jumped from the hot sauna to frozen waters. For you, jumping into a pool right after a home sauna session can replicate that refreshing feeling. If your layout allows for it, make the transition between sauna and pool an easy one and have them close. If you do not have a pool at home, a refreshing shower achieves the same effect! Install your sauna in a bathroom for quick and easy access to a shower that will help you feel fresh after.


Have Access to Adequate Power

For infrared sauna use, you will need access to a 240-volt connection. While plugging in a prebuilt home sauna should be simple, especially for indoor use, be sure to double check your connections and contact an electrician if any concerns or issues arise. When building a DIY sauna, involving a licensed electrician in the process will help ensure safety for prolonged use. Ensure the wiring for your sauna is clear of any water or any other hazardous conditions.


Be Wary of Moisture Levels

Make sure there is adequate drainage around the base of your home sauna so water cannot pool around the base of the sauna. It is also important to consider the humidity levels of the area of your choice, as an environment that is too damp may affect materials over time. Additionally, while our outdoor saunas are constructed with engineered wood on the exterior, too much exposure to natural elements over a prolonged period may impact the exterior of your sauna.


Having a sauna in the house is sure to make every day feel a little more luxurious and a lot healthier. Whether you’re looking to improve your health or simply create an at-home spa experience, take the above tips into consideration to ensure your home sauna is exactly what you need!

What is Red Light Therapy? Benefits, Uses & More

What is red light therapy, and how is it beneficial to your health? Learn more about why you should include the practices of red light therapy and infrared light therapy into your regimen. From benefits and risks to the best way to use it, we have all your red light therapy tips and information here!

Person Using Clearlight Red Light Therapy in Infrared Sauna

What is Red Light Therapy?

Beginning in the early 1990s as a tool to help grow plants in space, red light therapy, or RLT, is a technique used to help promote healthy cell growth and regeneration. Today’s practice of red light therapy extends to humans and can be used in the treatment of a wide range of issues such as skin conditions and wound healing. There are many ways to utilize this therapy by simply placing red light technology near your body, from light towers and saunas to handheld devices and face masks. Red light therapy can also be used to activate photosensitizing medications for photodynamic therapy.

Red light therapy works by using red low-level wavelengths of light to produce a biochemical effect in cells by penetrating approximately 5 millimeters below the skin’s surface. This effect helps strengthen the mitochondria and increase cell energy to improve performance of cells. Stronger cells increases productivity and effectiveness for proper rejuvenation and damage repair. Overall, the body uses these boosted cells to increase healing time and improve the condition of ailments caused by degenerative cells.

Risks of Red Light Therapy

No severe side effects are associated with RLT, and it is considered a safe and pain-free treatment. In the case of minor red light therapy side effects, some have reported headaches, irritability, and eye strain. The main cause of these red light therapy risks is the intense color or brightness of the light, which can be avoided by protecting your eyes during your RLT session and avoiding staring directly into the light.

If you suffer from bipolar disorder, consult with your doctor before pursuing red light therapy, as there have been a few, rare cases of RLT causing mania in bipolar patients.

Clearlight Red Light Therapy Tower

Red Light Therapy Benefits

Research on red light therapy benefits is still in the early phases, but current studies and anecdotal evidence show promise for the effectiveness of the treatment. Red light therapy can be used to help treat many conditions and improve overall health. Some of the main benefits of red light therapy include:

athletic performance eyesight mood
autoimmune diseases hair growth pain
brain disorders healing relaxation
cancer therapy side effects heating skin conditions
cellulite hormone production sleep
cognitive function inflammation tissue regeneration
detoxification libido weight loss

The use of red light therapy is especially popular amongst athletes seeking help for joint pain and inflammation, physical performance, and skin health. While many people begin RLT to target one symptom, they often find many other red light therapy benefits that make it worthwhile to add to their regular routine.

Light Therapy Hero

Combining the Powers of Red Light and Infrared Therapies

Full spectrum infrared therapy involves using infrared waves to penetrate into the body. These waves promote healthy function of the body’s cells and in turn improve healing, circulation, and detoxification. Infrared heat therapy penetrates nearly 5 centimeters into the skin, making it a perfect therapy to use in conjunction with red light therapy that penetrates 5 millimeters. By combining the therapies, you allow multiple levels of your body to heal and rejuvenate.

Red light therapy and infrared therapy can easily be done together by including a red light device into an infrared sauna session for a comprehensive light therapy treatment. Simply turn on your red light therapy device as you enjoy a 15-20 minute infrared sauna session.

Heat spots

How to Use Red Light Therapy

For cosmetic applications, you can likely find RLT treatments at local gyms, spas, and tanning salons. For more targeted and thorough applications of red light therapy, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist. To treat serious medical conditions such as cancer, arthritis, and psoriasis, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your options.

You can also find FDA-approved devices for red light therapy at home, such as light wands, infrared saunas, masks, light therapy towers, and helmets. When doing red light therapy at home, make sure you follow your devices instructions carefully for optimal results and safe use. Whether you are trying RLT at home or with a professional, expect it to take a few sessions before seeing results.

Using red light therapy can be an incredible benefit in your life, and is an easy way to find relief for many ailments. With virtually no risk and high reward, using the powers of red light therapy and infrared therapy might be the right therapeutic path for you. If you have any concerns or more severe health issues, be sure to consult with your doctor for the right approach and treatment plan.